Volume 10 Issue 1, January 2021: Page 1
Research Paper, Orthopaedic Surgery, India
Pages: 1 - 4A Study on Outcome of Surgical Neck Humerus Fractures Managed Operatively by Proximal Humerus Interlocking (PHILOS) Plate
Dr. Vijay R. Sata, Dr. Umang R. Vadera, Dr. Dipak S. Parmar, Dr Apoorva V. Dodia
Case Studies, Electrical Power Engineering, United Arab Emirates
Pages: 5 - 11Corrosive Sulphur and DBDS in Transformer Oil: Risk Assessments and Mitigation Actions on Power Transformers and Reactors - Utility Experience
Magdy Abdelsalam Osman Ismail, Ashish George Ellengical, Rohan Dsouza, Mohammed Intekhab Shaikh
Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 12 - 14Comparison of Hand Grip Strength in Different Wrist Positions in Right and Left Handed Tennis Players
Akshata Chaphekar, Sneha Somarajan, Bhoomi Patel, Vidisha Patel, Meet Bhalara, Denil Maisuriya, Shivangi Joshi
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 15 - 20Effectiveness of Dance Therapy on Cognitive, Behavioral and Emotional Development among Nursing Students in Selected Nursing College of Kamrup (Metro), Assam: A Cohort Study
Dr Unmona Borgohain, Bijaya Thongam, Manju Chapagain
Informative Article, Computer Science & Engineering, India
Pages: 21 - 25Bluetooth Wireless Technology & Its Applications
Dr D S Kushwaha, Ankur Singh
Review Papers, Dentistry, Iraq
Pages: 26 - 29Dental Photography
Ban Ali Salih
Review Papers, Dentistry, Iraq
Pages: 30 - 34Local Anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry
Ban Ali Salih
Research Paper, English Language and Literature, India
Pages: 35 - 38An Understanding of English IPA Symbols of Undergraduate Students of Select Colleges in Nanded City: A Study
S. N. Kokate, Dr. D. R. Mane
Review Papers, Ophthalmology, India
Pages: 39 - 41Ophthalmological Practices in COVID Times
Dr. Vinitkumar Kamble
Research Proposals or Synopsis, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 42 - 45Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence in Young Obese Females
Dr. Supriya Sanjay Chavan, Dr. Gargi Bhalekar
Research Proposals or Synopsis, Social Studies, Colombia
Pages: 46 - 55Police Service in the National Model of Community Surveillance by Quadrants: Review Study
Marisol Salazar Fernandez, Javier Raul Romero Roa, Oleskyenio Enrique Florez Rincon, Nancy Eliana Corredor Pinzon, Deiber Marulanda Pineda
Research Paper, Chemistry, India
Pages: 56 - 60Physio Chemical and Statistical Analysis of Water of Fateh Sagar Lake District Udaipur (Rajasthan)
Dr. KM Sharma, Aashiq Hussain Ahanger
Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, India
Pages: 61 - 62Decoding the Natural and the Interests from Dan Bacon's The Flow
Ashish Xavier Varghese
Research Paper, Paramedical Science, India
Pages: 63 - 66Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Women Pediatric Physiotherapist in Surat
Sneha Somarajan, Akshata Chaphekar, Vrutti Patel, Dhwani Panchal, Shivani Solanki, Disha Patel, Jignesh Gohil
Dissertation Chapters, Law, India
Pages: 67 - 73A Critical Analysis of Right to Education with Reference to the States of Bihar, U.P and Jharkhand: An Overview
Jarin Joseph
Review Papers, Genomic Sciences and Bioinformatics, India
Pages: 74 - 80Understanding Rett Syndrome: By Means of Genetic Mutations and Evolutionary Classification
Dr. Ramneet Kaur, Pratik Chatterjee
Research Paper, Urology, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 81 - 82Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence in Female Health Staff and the Effect on Quality of Life
Roba M. Ashor, Anfal A. Jar, Waad F. Banjar, Mai A. Banakhar
Research Paper, Community Medicine, India
Pages: 83 - 85Knowledge about Tuberculosis among Undergraduate Medical Students in a Government Medical College in Tamilnadu, India
Saravanan D, Rajarajan K
Research Paper, Health Sciences, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 86 - 89Prevalence of Smoking Among University Students in Saudi Arabia: Cross sectional Study
Hussen Aseery
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 90 - 94Xiaomi: The Coryphaeus Who Sang the Ultimate Underrated Song of Bliss From Lean to fat Boy Into the Indian Smartphone Industry: The Success Story of Xiaomi Corporation in the Indian Subcontinent
Debendra Prasad Kundu
Research Paper, Applied Physics, Sudan
Pages: 95 - 103Analysis Study of Plasma Parameters of Calcium Ion in Black Seed by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Yasser M. Ali, Mubarak M. Ahmed, Alaa H. ALi, Ahmed H. Alfaki
Review Papers, Pharmacotherapeutics, India
Pages: 104 - 107Ketamine - A Promising Anti-Depressant? Brief Review
M. Devika Priyadarshini
Case Studies, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 108 - 109A Case Report on Female Genital Tuberculosis in a Teenage Girl
Dr. Akanksha Singh, Dr. Nithya R
Research Paper, Energy Engineering, India
Pages: 110 - 115An Investigation into Sodium-Metal Battery as an Alternative to Lithium-Ion Batteries
M M Nishtha Singh
Research Paper, Geography, India
Pages: 116 - 119Implications of Post-COVID Virtual Education on Students from Isolated Tribes: A Case Study of Kanis, Kerala
Midhun Manohar, Rubeena T. A.
Research Paper, Medical Science, Indonesia
Pages: 120 - 123A Rare Case Presentation: Multiple Myeloma with Extramedullary Plasmacytoma Mimicking Lung Tumor
Elvi Aprillia Karamoy, Yesicha Kurniawati, I Wayan Sunaka, Ni Made Dwita Yaniswari, Wayan Wahyu Semara Putra
Masters Thesis, Nursing, Ethiopia
Pages: 124 - 128Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module on Knowledge of Mothers Regarding Special Vaccines against Communicable Disease for Under-Five Children in a Selected Urban Community at Mangalore
Laijy Francis, John Shine
Research Paper, Finance, Vietnam
Pages: 129 - 137Determinants of the Risk Tolerance of the Vietnamese Individual Investors by Gender
Lam Thien Quy, Pham Thi Hong Van
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 138 - 139A Remark on Special Class of Functions
Priyanshu Sharma
Research Paper, Medical Science, India
Pages: 140 - 142Comparison of Magnesium Sulphate 100mg and Fentanyl 25?g as Adjuvants to Intrathecal Hyperbaric Bupivacaine 0.5% for Infraumbilical Surgeries
Dr. C. P. Huda, Dr. S.P. Chittora, Dr. Rakesh Choudhary
Research Paper, Urban and Regional Planning, Indonesia
Pages: 143 - 148Development of Ora Beach Tourism Object Central Maluku Regency
Lukman Lapatty, Agus Dwi Wicaksono, Gunawan Prayitno
Case Studies, Anatomy and Histology, India
Pages: 149 - 152Retromolar Foramen in Human Dry Mandibles - A Morphological Study
Dr. B. Ramkumar, Dr. J. Senthil Kumar, Dr. K. Sujatha
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 153 - 155A Study on Role of Sociodemographic Status of Women of Reproductive Age Group in Excessive Vaginal Discharge in DMCH
Dr. Ritu Kumari, Dr. Asha Jha
Research Paper, Fisheries and Aquatic Environmental Management, India
Pages: 156 - 161Quinalphos induced Histoarchitectural Alterations in Fresh Water Fish, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters)
K. P. Greeshma, K. H. Mariyam, K. J. Josmi, E. Pushpalatha
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 162 - 163Applications of Fourier Series in Double Sine and Cosine Series
Dr. Chitra Singh, Hiramani Patel
Comparative Studies, Anaesthesiology, India
Pages: 164 - 169A Comparative Evaluation of Dexmedetomidine versus Midazolam-Fentanyl for Sedation in Ocular Surgeries under Peribulbar Anaesthesia in Children
Dr. Ramakant Sharma, Dr. Alaka Purohit
Research Paper, Marketing, Indonesia
Pages: 170 - 174Key Factors for Buying Intention towards the Existence of Halal Cosmetics: Study on Wardah Cosmetic
Rhaudia Rizkita Maghfira, Indira Rachmawati
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 175 - 177Perceived Level of Stress regarding Virtual Classroom among Nursing Students during COVID-19
Venice Mairya David
Research Paper, Social Science, Congo
Pages: 178 - 186Sports, Cultural Identities and Development in Space Francophone: France, Benin, Congo, Niger and Senegal
Gouda Lompo Souaibou
Research Paper, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, India
Pages: 1773 - 1777Travelling Wave based Fault Location for Teed Transmission Network using S-transform Technique
Divya Gutam, S. K. Nazeer, Kumarraja.A
Research Paper, Medicine Science, New Zealand
Pages: 187 - 193Can People with Asymptomatic or Pre-Symptomatic COVID-19 Infect Others: A Systematic Review of Primary Data
Nelson Aguirre-Duarte
Research Paper, Veterinary and Animal Science, India
Pages: 194 - 200State Wise Analysis of Morbidity - Mortality Pattern and Case Fatality - Recovery Rate of COVID-19 in India
Singh P, Upadhyay A. K
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 201 - 209A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Warm Water Foot Bath on Well Being of Elderly People in a Selected Hospital, Guwahati, Assam
Kshetrimayum Rebis Devi, Mayengbam Benita Devi, Doli Deori
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 210 - 217A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Health Teaching on Care of Stroke Patients among the Caregivers of Admitted Stroke Patients in a Selected Hospital, Guwahati, Assam
Denden Diana Chara Moyon, Mayengbam Benita Devi, Aziza Begum
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 218 - 220Effectiveness of Icepack Application at Injection Site for Reducing Pain before Administering Intramuscular Injection
Babita Agrawal
Research Paper, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, India
Pages: 221 - 227HRCT Evaluation in COVID 19 Patients and Correlation with Disease Progression, Clinical Outcome
Dr. Renuka Priya Ampilli, Dr. K. S. Suneetha, Dr. B. Anuradha, Dr. G. Madhu Mallik
Research Paper, Law, Indonesia
Pages: 228 - 235The Implementation of Criminal Numbers to the Violation of Fidusia Guarantee
Irwan Kusuma, Dr. Bambang Waluyo
Review Papers, Computer Science and Information Technology, Morocco
Pages: 236 - 244ICT Impact on the Learning and Teaching Practices: Some Concepts in Biology, Respiratory, Absorption and Digestive Systems
El Fatehi Yassine, Boulghallat Mustapha, Eloutassi Noureddine
Research Paper, Ophthalmology, India
Pages: 245 - 247Ocular Findings in Chronic Renal Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis at Government General Hospital, Kadapa
Dr. B. Aruna Deepthi, Dr. VMVRV Prasada Rao
Comparative Studies, Dentistry, India
Pages: 248 - 250Use of Dexmedetomidine in Dentistry as an Additive to Local Anesthesia in Place of Adrenaline
Shamina Kosar, Nahida Dar, Nadeem Hassan, Ajaz Ahmed Shah
Research Paper, Sociology, India
Pages: 251 - 253Socio-Cultural and Religious Change in Peri-urban Areas: A Study of Lucknow City
Dr. Sandeep Kumar