Volume 10 Issue 1, January 2021: Page 2
Research Paper, Law, Cameroon
Pages: 254 - 262Guilty Without Trial: Assessing the due Process Rights of Suspects under the Cameroonian Criminal Law and Procedure
Carine Chamboli Oke
Research Paper, Urban and Regional Planning, India
Pages: 263 - 270A Study on the Challenges and Prospects to Establish Cadastral System using Research Methodology in Finote Selam City, Ethiopia
Tsegaye Desalgne Yenawonden, Shreedhara Veditherakal
Research Paper, Communications Engineering, Madagascar
Pages: 271 - 274Fifth Generation (5G) Network: Device to Device (D2D) Communication Interference Management
Rakotomanana Marie Bernadette, Wei-Ping Wu, Md. Badrul Huq Khan
Comparative Studies, English Language and Literature, Philippines
Pages: 275 - 279Explicit Instruction of Pure Text Structure: Arming Maturing Readers for Expository Science Texts
Reynaldo J. Ilumin
Research Paper, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, China
Pages: 280 - 285CAD Assembly Retrieval by Searching Kinematic Relation Isomorphic Sub-graph
Liangxin Bai, Shungang Hua
Research Paper, Law, Indonesia
Pages: 286 - 294The Role of Immigration Civil Service Investigators in Handling Immigration Criminal Actions
Handy Pratama Prabaswara, Dr. Bambang Waluyo
Research Paper, Law, Indonesia
Pages: 295 - 302Legal Analysis of Passport Application Efforts by Attaching False Documents as a Requirement for Population Data
Deky Aprian, Dr. Bambang Waluyo
Research Paper, Agriculture, Afghanistan
Pages: 303 - 308Study of Raised Bed Planting Method on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat in Kabul
Sayed Maqsod Hashimi, Wakil Ahmad Sarhadi, Nigar Afsana
Research Paper, Nursing, Nepal
Pages: 309 - 312Perception of Nursing Students towards the Profession and their Future Career Motive
Binita Paudel, Dipti Koirala
Research Paper, Mathematics, Canada
Pages: 337 - 341Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Type Inequality on Arcs of the Circle for Generalized Polynomial
K Kobindarajah
Research Paper, Agricultural Engineering, Denmark
Pages: 315 - 322Electrotechnical Characterization of a Stray Current Propagating Magnetotelluric Anomaly
Kim Horsevad
Research Paper, Biotechnology, India
Pages: 323 - 330Development of Drought Tolerant Transgenic Cotton through Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation
Sarosha Nasreen, J. Amudha, S. S. Pandey
Research Paper, Home Science, India
Pages: 331 - 336Influence of Parenting Styles on Temperamet and Behavioural Problems of Young Children from Farm Families and Associated Factors
Manjula Patil, Pavitra Bhat, Shakuntala Patil
Research Paper, Mathematics, Canada
Pages: 1971 - 1974A Markov-Bernstein Type Inequality for Generalized Polynomial of Generalized Degree
K Kobindarajah
Case Studies, Medical Science, Malaysia
Pages: 313 - 314A Case Report of Patients Self Evaluation due to Similar Symptoms with Black Panthers Colon Cancer and Final Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis
Vishnu Vinodhan Rajakumar
Research Paper, Commerce and Economic Studies, India
Pages: 342 - 344Study of Compensation Management
Dr. Arunesh Kumar Gupta
Research Paper, Economics, Indonesia
Pages: 345 - 350Strategy for Accelerating Economic Development in Maluku Province Using Input-Output Table Approach
Mu'azam Shah, Maryunani, Nurul Badriyah
Informative Article, Education Management, Australia
Pages: 351 - 354Toward an Understanding of Ethical Issues in Cross-Cultural Research
Yousef Sahari, Hashim Asiri, Eisa Asiri, Ahmad Assiri
Research Paper, Molecular Biology, Congo
Pages: 355 - 359Involvement of Bacillus Species in the Understanding of the Softening Process of Safou Pulp (Dacryodes Edulis H.J.Lam)
Nicaise Saturnin Mokemiabeka, Nelly Josiane Awah-Lekaka Niebi, Christian Aime Kayath, Gloiriche Eumarise Koubemba Boundzou, Etienne Nguimbi
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 360 - 364Design and Fabrication of Surgical Masks and Gloves Destroyer Machine
Akhil Sharma, Ashish Kumar
Research Paper, Agronomy Science, Senegal
Pages: 365 - 370Characterization of Colletotrichum Species Causing Mango Anthracnose in Senegal
Yaya Diallo, P. M. Diedhiou, Elisabeth Bush, Mizuho Nita, Anton Baudoin
Review Papers, Fisheries and Aquatic Environmental Management, India
Pages: 371 - 375Studies on Fish Waste Disposal
Narendra Satyavijay Gawade
Research Paper, Law, Indonesia
Pages: 376 - 382Violence in Households by Military Members Reviewed from the Perspective of Law Number 31 of 1997 Concerning Military Justice
Defiana, Dr. Bambang Waluyo
Research Paper, Law, Indonesia
Pages: 383 - 389Legal Certainty for Foreign Citizens of Criminal Actors in Immigration Area
Fathur Rohman Brasal, Dr. Beniharmoni Harefa
Research Paper, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Cameroon
Pages: 390 - 399Measuring Energy Poverty in Cameroon: An Alternative View of the Problem
Tsekane Patrice Nnuka
Research Paper, History, India
Pages: 400 - 403Dalit Occupations and Existence at the Time of COVID-19 in West Bengal
Debarshi Roy
Research Paper, Anatomy and Histology, India
Pages: 404 - 407Anatomical Variations of Foramen Ovale and Clinical Significance
Dr. Gyan Prakash Mishra, Dr. Ajay Singh Rajput, Dr Stuti Tandon
Research Paper, Geology, India
Pages: 408 - 412Deep Sea Ostracoda and their Micro-Environmental Characteristics from Upper Abyssal Short Core (2540 Metres Water Depth), Off Visakhapatnam, Bay of Bengal, India
Mohammed Noohu Nazeer
Informative Articles, Humanities, Vietnam
Pages: 412 - 417Situation of Online Learning of Vietnamese Students in the Context of COVID Epidemic 19
Oanh L. T. M, Nam T. T, Cong T. V, Anh P.T
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 418 - 420Peripartum Cardiomyopathy - Rising Trend
Dr. R. Manonmani, Dr. K. P. Mohanasundari, Dr. P. Nivedhitha, Dr. R. Ganesh
Research Paper, Law, India
Pages: 421 - 426Agricultural Residue Burning and its Effect on Environment
Radhika Sharma
Informative Article, Homeopathy, India
Pages: 427 - 429Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Migraine
Dr. Khushboo Pandey
Dissertation Chapters, Mathematics, India
Pages: 430 - 433Monitoring the Quantity and Period of Milk Production by a Sindhi Cow using Statistical Quality Control Charts
Research Paper, General Surgery, India
Pages: 434 - 437Acute Abdomen-Clinical Cross Sectional Study of 60o Perated Cases
Dr Ramesh Kumar Reddy
Research Paper, General Surgery, India
Pages: 438 - 443Clinical Study of Varicose Veins of Lower Limb
Dr. Kondakrindirameshkumar Reddy, Dr C. R. Chhallani
Research Paper, Mechatronic Engineering, Morocco
Pages: 444 - 450Location Management in a Structured Environment
Zakaria Ouchatti, Fouad Moutaouakkil, Souad Berradi
Research Paper, Law, India
Pages: 451 - 453A Critical Analysis of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
Naveen A Varkey
Research Paper, Ecology, Nepal
Pages: 454 - 457Factors Influencing Local Communities around Protected Area - A Case Study of Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Thapa Rakshya
Research Paper, Ophthalmology, India
Pages: 458 - 459Endogenous Cortisol Profile in Patients with Central Serous Chorioretinopathy (CSCR) at a Tertiary Health Care Centre
Nancy Elizabeth Samuel, Padmini S Vishnu, B Chandrasekaran
Research Paper, English Language and Literature, Turkey
Pages: 460 - 462Language Learning Strategies Employed by EFL Learners
Sahar Fawzi Farag Ramadan
Short Communication, Anaesthesiology, India
Pages: 463 - 464Wegeners Granulomatosis and Subglottic Stenosis - A Case Report
Dr. Abhishek Pratap Singh, Dr. Tasneem Dhansura, Dr. Sushil Chauhan
Research Paper, Dentistry, India
Pages: 465 - 468A Study on Diagnostic Accuracy of Modified Cajals Trichrome Stain in Suspected Cases of Microinvasion
Latha Mary Cherian, Dhanya Sasikumar, Pradeesh Sathyan, Kristina Sabu
Research Paper, Human Resource Management, India
Pages: 469 - 473A Study on Influence of Employee Morale on Productivity in Steel Industry w.r.t Vizag Steel Ltd, Visakhaptnam
Dr. K. Srinivasa Krishna, Y. Suryanarayana Murthy
Research Paper, Software Engineering, India
Pages: 474 - 476Software Re-engineering Process Model
Ajit Kumar
Review Papers, Dentistry, Iraq
Pages: 477 - 481Digital Smile Design
Ban Ali Salih
Survey Paper, Dentistry, Iraq
Pages: 482 - 485Relationship between Labial Surface of Maxillary Central Incisor and Incisive Papillae (Survey during Try-in Stage)
Ban Ali Salih
Survey Paper, Medicine, Iraq
Pages: 486 - 490Pneumothorax in Neonates on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Support: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Outcome
Israa Hamid Salih, Nahille Muthanna Majeed
Research Paper, Health and Medical Sciences, India
Pages: 491 - 493Bacterial Growth on the Surface of used Mobile Phone
Neeraj Kumar
Research Paper, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, India
Pages: 494 - 501Post COVID Comprehensive Pulmonary Rehabilitation - The Limelight Case Report
Padma Rani S, Thirunavukkarasu P, Chitrarasu K, Jawahar Rajarathnam S
Survey Paper, Medicine and Dentistry, India
Pages: 509 - 511Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccine amongst Dental Health Professionals
Dr. V. Pranavi Aishwarya
Masters Thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, India
Pages: 512 - 515Performance of an Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor in the Treatment of Slaughter Wastewater
Dr. S. Syed Enayathali