Volume 10 Issue 1, January 2021: Page 4
Research Paper, Biodiversity and Conservation, Peru
Pages: 766 - 772Ecological Condition and Animal Carrying Capacity of Andean Grassland in Three Micro-Basins of the Quero District, Jauja
Wilfredo Nunez Rojas, Raul Yaranga Cano
Masters Thesis, Biomedical Sciences, Indonesia
Pages: 773 - 776Rosella Flower 3% (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Extract Inhibited the Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 dan Collagen Reduction on Wistar Rat Exposed to Ultraviolet-B
Rizki Rahmania Ramadhani, Wimpie Pangkahila, Anak Agung Gede Putra Wiraguna
Review Papers, Business Administration, Kenya
Pages: 777 - 785Managerial Competence and Performance: A Theoretical Review
Harun Mubeu Ngumo
Masters Thesis, Biomedical Sciences, Indonesia
Pages: 786 - 789Intermittent Fasting with Moderate-Intensity Physical Exercise Increased Melatonin but Did Not Reduce Body Mass Index in Obese Rats
Novana O. Mantiri, Wimpie Pangkahila, Alex Pangkahila
Research Paper, Social Science, India
Pages: 790 - 803Mapping and Assessing Socio-Economic Wellbeing and Food Wellbeing in India
Swati Rajput
Masters Thesis, Biomedical Sciences, Indonesia
Pages: 804 - 808Oral Administration of Tamarillo Seeds (Solanum Betaceum Cav.) Ethanol Extract Inhibited the Decrease of Leydig Cells and Testosterone Levels in Male Wistar Rats (Rattus Novergicus) Exposed to Cigarette Smoke
Adinda Sarah, Wimpie I. Pangkahila, A.A.A.N. Susraini
Informative Article, Homeopathy, India
Pages: 809 - 811Acne Vulgaris and Its Homoeopathic Management
Dr. Shashank Mundepi
Research Paper, Business and Management, Kenya
Pages: 812 - 817Project Planning and Sustainability; Versus Community Involvement in Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project
Mutamuliza Marie J., Mulyungi P.
Comparative Studies, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 818 - 822A Study to Compare Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Versus Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Depression in Patients with Parkinson Disease
Sunil Neupane
Review Papers, Health & Nutrition, India
Pages: 823 - 826Review on Association of Visceral Adiposity Index and Metabolic Disorders
Thamilovia. SA, S. Uma Mageshwari
Research Paper, Mathematics and Statistics, Canada
Pages: 1812 - 1818Technical Inequalities on the Arcs of a Circle
K Kobindarajah
Research Paper, Pharmacy, India
Pages: 827 - 832Formulation and Evaluation of Flurbiprofen Emulgel by Using Natural Permeation Enhancers
Priyanka D. Manmode, Navnath A. Gaikawad, Ankita A. Giramkar, Bharati R. Hole, Dr. Deepak G. Umalkar
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 833 - 834Blockchain in Supply Chain Management
Saif Aslam
Case Studies, Pharmacology Science, Argentina
Pages: 835 - 839Meropenem and Valproic Acid Interaction: A Systematic Review of Case Reports and Case Series
Mar?a Graciela Lopez Ordieres, Camila Monte Final, Micaela Ventura, Mar?a S. Viola
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 840 - 847Experimental Investigation of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced with Aloe Vera Powder
Uppada Sasikala, Dr. Kalapala Prasad
Research Paper, Medical Science, India
Pages: 848 - 850Evaluation of Size of Thymus and its Relationship with CT Severity Score in Patients having CT Signs for COVID 19 Virus Disease in the Age Group of 20-40 Years: A Study of 100 Cases
Dr Devanshee H Jadeja, Dr Bhaven Shah
Informative Article, Ophthalmology, India
Pages: 851 - 853A Case of Bilateral Hereditary Optic Neuropathy in a Patient of Progressive Atypical Multiple Sclerosis (Infantile / Behrs Optic Atrophy): A Rare Case Report with Literature Review
Dr. Vimal J. Vyas, Dr. Ashish Pandey
Review Papers, Health & Nutrition, India
Pages: 854 - 856Enhancing Immunity through Diet, Herbs and Natural Therapies - A Review
Sayali S Pansare, Rudrapal
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 857 - 859Awareness of Community People towards Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID 19): A Cross Sectional Study
Dr. Rahul B. Pandit, Vijay G. Kadam
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 860 - 863A Study to Assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Menstural Hygiene among Adolescent Girls and to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme - A Quasi Experimental Study
Johncy Rani R, Mohammed Rafi, Ankital Pal, Arfi Yamin, Bhawana Singh
Doctoral Thesis, Financial Management, Kenya
Pages: 864 - 870Effect of Investment Management Practices on Sustainability of Private Hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya
Ogutu Amos Washika, Prof. David Kiragu, Dr. Anthony Ngunyi, Dr. Mohammed Shano
Research Paper, Education Management, India
Pages: 871 - 874Problems and Prospects of Implementing CBCS at UG Level in West-Bengal
Tanmoy Saha
Research Paper, Philosophy, India
Pages: 875 - 877Towards the Creative Understanding of Consciousness: An Autoethnographic Philosophical Account of a Poetess
Anupreeta Chatterjee
Research Paper, Education Management, Philippines
Pages: 878 - 882Teachers Approaches in Teaching Literature in the New Normal
Celso P. Resueno, Jr. Ian Bel P. Resueno
Case Studies, Medical Science, Indonesia
Pages: 883 - 884Diagnostic and Management of Chronic Liver Disease: A Case Report and Review of Literature
I Gst Ag Bgs Arya Wiradarma, A.A. Gede Oka Suta Wicaksana, Made Wirama Diyana
Research Paper, Medical Science, India
Pages: 885 - 888Serum Vitamin D Levels in Females with Breast Cancer and Normal Healthy Controls: A Case Control Study
Parul Goel, Suvarna Prasad, Gagandeep Malik
Research Paper, Information Technology, Malaysia
Pages: 889 - 896Usage of Predictive Analytics during COVID-19 Pandemic to Support Administrative Decision Making in Health Care
Fatimetou Zahra Mohamed Mahmoud, Noor Azizah Mohamadali
Research Paper, Public Health, India
Pages: 897 - 900Conceptual Design of Covid Mask
Midhun B, Sanju Vikashni R
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 901 - 903Study of Fetal and Maternal Outcome in Second Stage Caesarean Section
Dr Shilpa Chahar, Dr Hanslata Gehlot
Research Paper, Statistics, India
Pages: 904 - 908Application of R Programming in Solution and Sensitivity Analysis of Diet Problem of Indian Men
Pratibha Lakhani, Pooja Manjre
Research Paper, Orthopedic, India
Pages: 909 - 911Vertebra Plana in Paediatric Patient with Paraplegia; Diagnostic Approach and Management
Soman S
Research Paper, History, India
Pages: 912 - 914National Hero U. Ottama
Anindita Choudhury
Research Paper, Dentistry, India
Pages: 915 - 918Articaine versus Lignocaine for Surgical Removal of Mandibular 3rd Molars
Shamina Kosar, Nadeem Hassan, Nahida Dar, Ajaz Ahmed Shah
Research Paper, Mathematics, Botswana
Pages: 919 - 936Mathematical Analysis of a Model with HIV-1 Mutation in the Midst of a Cellular Immune Response
Obias Chimbola Mulenga
Research Paper, Energy Engineering, India
Pages: 937 - 941Harvesting Energy from Traffic Breakers using Piezoelectric Discs
Sophia Immanuel, Aarzoo Banu, K. Shanti, P. Mahalaxmi
Research Paper, Law, India
Pages: 942 - 946Inadvertent Use of Antibiotics in India
Anchal Agarwal
Research Paper, Medicine, Lebanon
Pages: 947 - 956Prevalence of Comorbidities and their Impact on COVID-19 Outcomes: An Observational Study during Early Outbreak in Lebanon
Salwa Azar, Layal Olaywan, Zainab El-Hajj, Habib Jaafouri, Mahmoud Hassoun, Mohammad Souheil El Rawas, Akram Echtay
Research Paper, Dentistry, India
Pages: 957 - 961Evaluation and Comparison of Correlation between ABO Blood Group and Rh Factor and Periodontal Diseases: A Clinical Study
Dr Janaki Alloli, Dr Shraddanand Bacha, Dr Sharashchandra, Dr Srujan Kumar, Dr Bhavana Puvvalla, Dr Mithlesh Bhagat
Review Papers, Food Science, India
Pages: 962 - 964Garlic as Potential Therapeutic Drug
Shukla Dhruti
Research Paper, Environmental Science Studies, India
Pages: 965 - 968Hydro-Geological Inferences through Holistic Analysis for Hanp-Sheonath-Kaura Groundwater Basins in Block Bemetara, District Bemetara [CG]
Dr. P K Gupta, Rishi Kumar Gupta, Ritika Jayaswal
Research Paper, Medicine, Uzbekistan
Pages: 969 - 973Modern Features of Epidemiology and Prevention of Major Eye Diseases of Infectious and Non-Infectious Etiology (Literature Review)
Gulnarakhan N. Mamatkhujaeva, Ziyadullo N. Mamasoliev, B. M. Nazarov, Ne'matjon S. Mamasoliev
Masters Thesis, Psychiatry, India
Pages: 974 - 977A Study to Assess the Prevalence of Aggressive Behavior and its Influencing Factors among High School Students in Selected High School of Guwahati, Assam
Somichon Keishing, Dolly Gurumayum
Research Paper, Surgery, India
Pages: 978 - 980A Prospective Comparative Study between Laparoscopic Mesh Repair and Open Lichtenstein Mesh Repair of Inguinal Hernia
Dr. Gautham Kazipet
Review Papers, Information Security, India
Pages: 981 - 991Review on Iris Recognition System for Unconstrained Environment
Harish Prajapati, Dr. Rajesh M. Bodade
Masters Thesis, Finance, Kenya
Pages: 992 - 998Effect of Pesalink and Mvisa on Financial Deepening among Tier 1 Commercial Banks in Kenya
Daniel Mitau Serah, Dr. Gladys Bunyasi
Case Studies, Orthopaedic Surgery, India
Pages: 999 - 1001Unusual Presentation of Monteggia Variant with Distal Radius Fracture in Adult
Anil Kumar Y, Siva Prasad Y, Biju R
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 1002 - 1003Case Report on 16 Year Female Diagnosed with Mullerian Inclusion Cyst
Dr. Dixit Kumar A. Prajapati, Dr. Sandipkumar Bharai, Dr. Kishan Chitaliya
Research Paper, Soil and Agricultural, Ivory Coast
Pages: 1004 - 1013Agronomic Potential of the Artificial Termite Mound of Senoufo Poultry Farmers in Northern Cote dIvoire
Dognimeton SORO, Kacou BONI, Zoumana KONATE, Herbert ABOBI, Pascal Tehua ANGUI
Research Paper, Sociology, Trinidad and Tobago
Pages: 1014 - 1018Adolescents Socioeconomic Status, Socialization and Academic performance of Two Secondary Schools in the Education District of East Trinidad and Tobago
Valentine Smith
Research Paper, Mathematics and Statistics, India
Pages: 1019 - 1022Export of Marine Product: Time Series Model
V. P. Sonalkar
Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, India
Pages: 1023 - 1026Use of Crop Diversification Technique for Quantitative Evaluation of Land use in Ahmednagar District in 1960-61 and 2010-11
Dr. M. R. Erande