Volume 10 Issue 1, January 2021: Page 6
Research Paper, Ayurveda, India
Pages: 1274 - 1277Clinical Evaluation of Mahatriphaladya Ghrita in the Management of Allergic Conjunctivitis
Sadhana Parajuli, Manjusha Rajagopala, K.S Dhiman, P.D Matalia
Research Paper, Medicine, Indonesia
Pages: 1278 - 1281Diagnostic Approach of Patient with Ascites: A Case Report
Theodore Dharma Tedjamartono, Ketut Suryana
Masters Thesis, Biomedical Sciences, Indonesia
Pages: 1282 - 1285Conditioned Medium Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Inhibited Tyrosinase Expression and Melanin More Effective Than Hydroquinone in Guinea Pig Skin
Happy Apriyanti, Wimpie Pangkahila, I Wayan Weta, IGKN Arijana, Shandy Q Lintang
Case Studies, Surgery, Indonesia
Pages: 1286 - 1290Emergency Management of Parapharyngeal and Retropharyngeal Abscess due to Right Submandible Abscess with Complications of Right Pulmonary Empyema: Case Report
Bambang Hudiworo KD, Eka Marwansyah, Indra Hadikrishna
Masters Thesis, Biomedical Sciences, Indonesia
Pages: 1291 - 1296Administration of Bajakah (Spatholobus littoralis Hassk) Stem Ethanol Extract Cream Inhibited the Increase of MMP-1 Expression and Decrease of Collagen Number in Male Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Exposed to Ultraviolet B
Milhanah, Wimpie Pangkahila, Anak Agung Gde Putra Wiraguna, I Wayan Weta
Research Paper, Medicine, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 1297 - 1301Prevalence and Some Determinants of Metabolic Syndrome among Primary Care Clinic Attendees at King Fahd Military Medical Complex
H Al-Ghamdi, Abdulmajeed Al-Nejaim, R.A Siraj, F Al-Otaibi, M El Gezery
Informative Article, History, India
Pages: 1302 - 1305Tribes of Jalpaiguri District: Origin, Development and Politics during Colonial Period to Post-Colonial Period
Ananta Das
Review Papers, Cancer Science, India
Pages: 1306 - 1312Chemotherapy or Immunotherapy: A Search for the Potential Anti-Cancer Treatment Strategies
Akash Bhattacharya, Dipanjan Guha
Research Proposals or Synopsis, Sociology, India
Pages: 1313 - 1316History of Dukpas and Their Present Situation in the Darjeeling Hills and the Buxaduar Region and their Social-Customs and Practices
Ugen Dukpa
Review Papers, Environmental Engineering, Indonesia
Pages: 1317 - 1321Energy Efficiency in the Water Distribution System
Qory Constantya
Research Paper, Cardiology Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1322 - 1324Vascular Access Profile at Sentra Medika Hospital
Prasetyo Edi, Niko Azhari Hidayat, Javier Antares
Informative Article, Periodontology, India
Pages: 1325 - 1328GCF Biomarkers in Periodontal Diseases
Dr. Maya Mhaske, Dr. Sushma Belkhede, Dr. Mithila Kakade, Dr. Kalyani Reddy
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 1329 - 1331Problems Faced by Nurses in Providing Quality Care to the Patients
Anjum Khurshid, Asmat Parveen
Research Paper, Education Management, India
Pages: 1332 - 1336Implementation of Flipped Learning through FlipCoD
Shrinath Pai
Research Paper, Social Science, India
Pages: 1337 - 1340Present Perspective and Future Assumption of Digital Teaching - Learning
Binoy Roy, Tapasi Howlader
Research Paper, Marketing, Portugal
Pages: 1341 - 1351Adolescents Perception of his Influence on Family Purchase Decisions of Personal Computer for Family Use: A Consumer Socialization Perspective
Joao Paulo Baia
Review Papers, Dentistry, India
Pages: 1352 - 1358Preparation For Dentists During and Post Covid Era
Ravina, Mansi Mehta, Archna Nagpal
Research Paper, Botany, India
Pages: 1359 - 1363Morphology, Molecular and Micropropagational Activities of Nerium odorum - A Review
Runa Rashmi, M. P. Trivedi
Research Paper, Biological Sciences, Congo
Pages: 1364 - 1368Assessment of Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Effects of Crossopteryxfebrifuga in Mice
D J Bassoueka, B E A Loufoua, A A Abena
Masters Thesis, Biomedical Sciences, Indonesia
Pages: 1369 - 1373Administration of Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) Flower Etanol Extract Oral Increased the Number of Pancreatic Beta Cells and Decrease the Level of Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1C) of Diabetic Male Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Viena Valentine, Anak Agung Gede Budhiarta, Anak Agung Ayu Ngurah Susraini
Research Paper, Social Science, Burma
Pages: 1374 - 1382The English Language Teaching Approach and the Challenges presented by Myanmar ELT Teachers
Khin Su Su Win
Informative Article, Applied Chemistry, India
Pages: 1383 - 1385Importance of Nanotechnology for Environmental Related Issues
Vinod Kumar Singh
Research Paper, English Language and Literature, India
Pages: 1386 - 1388Materials Used to Teach English Language: A Select Study
Dr. V. M Saranya
Research Paper, Anatomy and Histology, India
Pages: 1389 - 1391Accessory Fasciculus of Abductor Digiti Minimi
Dr. Sada Saraswathamma, Dr. D. Asha Latha
Research Paper, Genetics, Philippines
Pages: 1392 - 1398Chromosome Aberrations in the Karyotype of the Southeast Asian Mangrove Frog Fejervarya cancrivora (Gravenhorst, 1829) from Luzon Island, Philippines
Ledesma, Rene Geraldo Guerrero
Informative Article, Medical Science, Canada
Pages: 1399 - 1401Letter to the Editor and Global Public: Lockdown Block Efficiency Equivalent Devices for COVID-19 Pandemic
Yi Yu Lai
Case Studies, Medicine, India
Pages: 1402 - 1404Rapidly Progressive Renal Failure: A Rare Clinical Presentation of Renal Sarcoidosis
Shivali Sandal, Surender Kumar
Research Paper, Education Management, Kenya
Pages: 1405 - 1408Availability of ICT Devices and Learner Participation in Bachelor of Education Programme by E-Learning at the University of Nairobi
Dr. Joyce Atieno Otieno, Dr. Omondi Bowa
Research Paper, Urology, Egypt
Pages: 1409 - 1418The Tree Branching Law: Correcting Misconceptions on Capillary Cross-Section Areas and Blood Speed
Dr. Ahmed N. Ghanem
Research Paper, Business Administration, Turkey
Pages: 1419 - 1434The Impact of Gender on Leadership Styles and Leadership Effectiveness
Basel Dwiri, Kagan Okatan
Research Paper, Statistics, Cameroon
Pages: 1435 - 1444Identification of the Productive Potential of Customers in a Commercial Bank Portfolio: Calculation of the Customer Lifetime Value using Statistical Learning Method
Tchokomeni Herve
Research Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 1445 - 1452Osseointegration of Dental Implants Bioactivated with Stem Cells and Prp-an invivo Study
Sadiq Mohammed Sabir Ali, Nishath Ayesha, Y. Mahadev Shastry, K. Mahendernath Reddy, Venkat Aditya, Jaya Krishna Babu
Review Papers, Chemistry, India
Pages: 1453 - 1458Use of Genipin as a Natural Amino Acid Based Fingerprint Enhancing Reagent and Comparison with Frequently Used Ninhydrin
Suryapratap Ray, Chitra Jangid
Research Paper, Education Management, India
Pages: 1459 - 1461Job Satisfaction of Secondary School Teachers in Siliguri Town
Rumti Das
Research Paper, Education Management, Macedonia
Pages: 1462 - 1466Students Motivation and Engagement during Distance Learning
Shalevska Elena
Case Studies, Medical Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1467 - 1468Large-Volume Paracentesis Treatment for Refractory Ascites Due to Lack of Response with Maximum Dosses of Diuretics: A Case Report
Gede Abi Yoga Pramana, I Putu Ramanda Suadnyana, I Wayan Sunaka
Research Paper, Medical Science, India
Pages: 1469 - 1470Prospective Study of Metastatic Lung Cancer Patients
Arvind Kumar, Indranil Ghosh
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 1471 - 1473To Assess Effectiveness of Clapping Therapy among Elderly People for Selected Physical & Psychosocial Health Improvement in a Selected Old Age Homes at Indore City
Sushma Yohan, Dr. Rajni Thakur
Research Paper, Chemistry, India
Pages: 1474 - 1479Synthesis, Spectral Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Metal Complexes of 2-Methoxy benzaldehyde isonicotinoylhydrazone
E. Lakshmi, T. Krishna, A. Suseelamma, P. Raveendra Reddy
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 1480 - 1483A Comparative Study of Fetal Weight Estimation in Term Pregnancy by Clinical and Ultrasonographic Method at Umaid Hospital Jodhpur
Dr. Shilpa Chahar, Dr. Hanslata Gehlot
Research Paper, Chemistry, India
Pages: 1484 - 1487Use of Fly Ash as Adsorbent for Removal of Chromium from Aqueous Solution
Pooja Soni, Pragya Khandelwal, Shweta Saxena
Research Paper, Pathology, India
Pages: 1488 - 1490Histopathological Spectrum of Spinal Lesions
Dr. Jonnadula Pratima, Dr. V. Sivakota Reddy
Masters Thesis, Biomedical Sciences, Indonesia
Pages: 1491 - 1494The Administration of 1% Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica) Extracts Cream Inhibited the Increase of MMP-1 Expression and Reduction of Dermal Collagen on Male Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Skin Exposed to UV-B Rays
Sekarmayang Dwitiya Putri, I Gusti Made Aman dan Anak Agung Gde Putra Wiraguna
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 1495 - 1495Calculate Square Root of Any Two Natural Numbers at a Same Time Using a Single Binomial Expansion
Biki Tikader
Research Paper, Medical Science, India
Pages: 1496 - 1500Raj-Yoga Meditation is a Better Treatment Option for Depression: A Comparative Prospective Randomized Study at Tertiary Care Centre of Central India
Dr. Hema Sahu, Dr. Bhupendra Singh, Dr. P K Joel, Dr. Sudha Mehta, Dr. Pushpa Pandey
Masters Thesis, Nutrition Science, India
Pages: 1501 - 1505Stress Eating amongst Medical Students
Mantasha Shaikh, Dr Nisha Bellare
Review Papers, Microbiology, Afghanistan
Pages: 1506 - 1508A Review on Diagnosis, Management & Prevention of Rotavirus Infections
Dr. Mohibullah Salih
Research Paper, Agriculture, India
Pages: 1509 - 1516Higher Seed Production through IPNM in Cajanus cajan Linn (Mill Sp)
B. M. Rajurkar
Research Paper, Agriculture and Technology, Sudan
Pages: 1517 - 1521Effect of Starter and Enzyme Additions on Clotting Time of Milks for Mish Manufacture
Alaa Mohy Eldeen Mamoon, Ali Elsayed Ali
Research Paper, English Language and Literature, Sudan
Pages: 1522 - 1527Strategies of Learning Medical Vocabulary (A Case Study of Sudanese EFL Students at Faculty of Medicine, Karari University, Sudan)
Dr. Gamar Addawla Albooni, Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim Ali