Volume 10 Issue 1, January 2021: Page 7
Research Paper, Marketing, Portugal
Pages: 1528 - 1539Culture and Consumer Socialization Effects on Adolescent's Influence on Family Purchase Decisions of Mobile Phone
Joao Paulo Baia
Research Paper, Psychology Science, Bangladesh
Pages: 1540 - 1550Does Selfitis Exist?: Development of a Selfitis Behavioral Scale
Rumana Haque, Tasnim Ferdouse, Shahanaz Akter
Review Papers, Medicine Science, Bulgaria
Pages: 1551 - 1553The Patient as Target of Personalized Medicine
Kameliya Tsvetanova
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 1554 - 1555Image Role in the Diagnosis and Management of Foreign Esophageal Bodies in the Pediatric Population
Dr Madi Sihem, Dr Zoheirkermezli
Review Papers, Ayurveda, India
Pages: 1556 - 1559A Review - Concept of Ayurveda and Oral Hygiene
Dr. Rameshwar Thawait
Research Paper, Dentistry, Bulgaria
Pages: 1560 - 1563One-Year Clinical Evaluation of the Retention of Glassionomer Sealant on Newly Erupted First Permanent Molars in Children
Lilyana Shtereva, Veselina Kondeva
Masters Thesis, Information Security, India
Pages: 1564 - 1572Prevent the Eavesdropping in D2D Networks by Using Network Coding and Signal-To-Noise (SNR)
Yousef Ali Alshami, Shiv Kumar
Research Paper, Mathematics, Zambia
Pages: 1573 - 1583Pre-School Teacher Knowledge of Mathematical Reasoning: A Grounded Theory Study
Getrude Chimfwembe-Gondwe
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 1584 - 1586Application of Sawi Transform for Solving Problems on Newton's Law of Cooling
Dr. Lokanath Sahoo
Case Studies, Anaesthesiology, India
Pages: 1587 - 1594A Novel Multimodal Treatment for Management of Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis; A Case Series
Dr. Lakshmi Vas, Dr Priya Buddhadeo, Dr. Varsha Suryawanshi, Dr Anis Kangani
Research Paper, Chemistry, India
Pages: 1595 - 1599Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc (II) Salicylaldehyde N (4) Arylthiosemicarbazones
Dr. J. L. Maurya
Research Paper, Environmental Science Studies, Kuwait
Pages: 1600 - 1607South Ahmadi Land Fill Monitoring Cleaning and Management
Ahmed Al Rashed, Yousef Al Hammad
Informative Article, Nursing, India
Pages: 1608 - 1610Power in Nursing Education
S. Josphine Vinitha, Dr. Jenardhanan
Research Paper, Mining, Zambia
Pages: 1 - 17Cause of the Numerous Open Pit Mine Equipment Accidents: A Case of X Mining Company
Dr. Dyson Galatia
Review Papers, Computers in Biology and Medicine, India
Pages: 18 - 30Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Indian Healthcare
Aditya Syam
Research Paper, Finance, India
Pages: 31 - 34Investment Preference of Government Employees
Chippy Francis
Case Studies, History, India
Pages: 35 - 41The Tribe of Western Duars: A Case Study on Asur Tribe from Colonial to Post-Colonial Period
Ananta Das
Research Paper, Education Management, Benin
Pages: 42 - 49Investigating the Impact of Supervision on Beninese EFL Teachers? Practice for Better Achievement: The Case Study of Some Secondary Schools in Ou?m? and Plateau Regions
TEBA Sourou Corneille
Research Paper, History, India
Pages: 50 - 53Tracing Eroticism in Erotic Plaque of Chandraketugarh
Balaram Mondal
Research Paper, Agriculture, India
Pages: 54 - 61Agricultural Investment Scheme in Reference to the Rythu Bandhu Scheme
Aashi Gupta
Review Papers, Economics, India
Pages: 62 - 64The Case for Unilateral Free Trade and its Benefits for a Nations Economic Interests
Aditya Syam
Research Paper, English Language and Literature, India
Pages: 65 - 67Depiction of American Railways in Nineteenth Century American Poetry
Biswajit Das
Informative Article, Commerce and Economic Studies, India
Pages: 68 - 69Advantage India - In the Disadvantaged World
A.V. Sekhar
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Iraq
Pages: 70 - 74Outcome of First Trimester Threatened Miscarriage With or Without Subchorionic Hematoma
Yasir D. Mohammed, Inas T. Al-Hamdani
Short Communication, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 75 - 85Exercise and Yoga as Modalities for Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation
Bhawna, Vandana, Dr Z S Kundu
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 86 - 96Static and Dynamic Analysis of Multistoried Building in Seismic Zone-III
Venkata Raju Badanapuri
Case Studies, Medicine, India
Pages: 97 - 99Hypoalbuminemia Secondary to Strongyloideshyper Infection - An Often Missed Entity
Dr. Avinash Paturi, Dr. Vasudha Maddukuri, Dr. Vaddi Vidya Deepak
Dissertation Chapters, Education Management, Indonesia
Pages: 100 - 102Central Factors Problems in Private Vocational Schools in Indonesia
Case Studies, Medicine, India
Pages: 1611 - 1615Study of Serum Lipid Profile Level in Prediabetic Subjects in Indian population
Deepa Thadani, Kirti Jawa, Sarla Mahawar, Asha Makwana, Kamlesh Tanwani
Case Studies, History, India
Pages: 103 - 105Are Technological Advancements Taking us Forward or Backward?
Jash Apurva Jobalia
Comparative Studies, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 106 - 110Effectiveness of Bilateral Arm Training on Upper Extremity Function in Sub-Acute Stroke Patients: Pilot Study
Heena Parmar, Nensi Gandhi
Case Studies, Medicine, Indonesia
Pages: 111 - 114Cerebral Toxoplasmosis in Newly Diagnosed Cirrhosis Patient: A Case Report
Theodore Dharma Tedjamartono, Ketut Suryana
Research Paper, Medical Science, India
Pages: 115 - 130COVID-19 and its Effect on Coagulation Profile: A Systematic Review
Parul Goel, Gagandeep Malik
Masters Thesis, Biomedical Sciences, Indonesia
Pages: 131 - 135Oral Administration of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Sanrego (Lunasia amara Blanco) Wood Increased the Number of Leydig Cells and Testosterone Levels in Old Male Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Florindo Cardoso Gomes, Wimpie Pangkahila, I Gusti Made Aman
Doctoral Thesis, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, India
Pages: 136 - 141MRI in the Evaluation of Ankle Pain
Dr Aditya Verma, Dr Mohd Arif Khan, Dr Ishan Gupta
Research Paper, Finance, Kenya
Pages: 142 - 150Financial Risk Management Practices and Business Sustainability: Empirical Findings from Private Hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya
Ogutu Amos Washika, Prof. David Kiragu, Dr. Anthony Ngunyi, Dr. Mohammed Shano
Masters Thesis, Information Technology, Kenya
Pages: 151 - 158An Analysis of Factors Affecting the Use of Information and Communication Technologies among Women for Social Empowerment in Muranga County, Kenya
Esther Mwangi
Research Paper, Health and Medical Sciences, India
Pages: 159 - 164A Study to Assess Effectiveness of Informational Booklet Regarding the Knowledge on Developmental Milestones of an Infant among Primi Para Mothers in MGMCRI at Puducherry
Dr. Anjalatchi
Doctoral Thesis, Medical Microbiology, Iraq
Pages: 165 - 169Molecular Assessment of Gene Expression for Interleukine-4 and Interleukin-17 among Patients with Human Bronchial Asthma by Conventional and Real Time q-PCR Techniques
Ihsan Edan Alsaimary, Falih Hmood Mezban
Review Papers, Economics, India
Pages: 170 - 171A Review of the True Meaning of Economic Growth and Variations in Rates of Economic Growth around the World
Aditya Syam
Review Papers, Molecular Biology, India
Pages: 172 - 176Role of microRNAs in Stomach Adenocarcinoma
Kashish Mendiratta, Dhruv Mehra
Survey Paper, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Sierra Leone
Pages: 177 - 180Adherence to a Standard Prescription Writing Guidelines in a Tertiary Hospital in Sierra Leone
Joshua Coker, Mohamed Bawoh, Michael Lahai, Onome Abiri, Theresa Mambu, DR Lisk
Review Papers, Business Management, Brazil
Pages: 181 - 191Coopetition: A Systematic Review and Research Guidelines
Carina Nunes, Melissa Watanabe, Silvio Parodi Oliveira Camilo
Research Paper, English Language and Literature, Jordan
Pages: 192 - 198Wajahat Ali: Employing Irony and Comedy in His Play The Domestic Crusaders to Decrease the Tension between Contradictory Cultures in America
Khaled Ahmed Hmoud Al-Amro, Dr Mohd Nazri Latiff Azmi, Ali Mahmoud Ali Alshwayyat
Research Paper, Computer Science, India
Pages: 199 - 201Identification of Hidden Exposed Nodes and Solving Hidden Exposed Problem Using MAC Protocols in AD-HOC Networks
Ch. Srilatha, T. Mohana Kumari
Research Paper, Ophthalmology, India
Pages: 202 - 206To Study the Efficacy of Difluprednate Ophthalmic Emulsion and Prednisolone Acetate Ophthalmic Suspension on Post-operative Inflammation in Cataract Surgery
Dr Shankar Lal Khajotiya, Dr. Vivek Jain
Research Paper, Ecology, Uzbekistan
Pages: 207 - 210Convective Removal of the Aerosol in the Southern Aral Sea Region
Tleumuratova B. S., Narymbetov B.Zh.
Review Papers, Renewable Energy, Cameroon
Pages: 211 - 220The Renewables Development Constraints in Cameroon: Challenges and Future Prospects
Dissertation Chapters, Nursing, India
Pages: 221 - 221A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude of Primary School Teachers regarding Learning Disabilities among Children in Selected Schools of District Pulwama Kashmir
Mohammad Ayub Dar, Syed Arifa
Research Paper, Marketing, Morocco
Pages: 222 - 226Hospital Sponsorship, An Opportunity to be Seized!
Research Paper, Pharmaceutical Science, India
Pages: 227 - 235Protective Effect of Wheatgrass in Acetic Acid Induced - Colitis on Albino Wistar Rats
Sainu Susan Oommen, Dr Hilda Fernandes, Dr Rajendra Holla
Research Paper, Ecology, Uzbekistan
Pages: 236 - 238To the Issue of Studying the Resource Potential of Medicinal Plants in the Conditions of the South Priaralie
Tileumuratova B.A., Mambetullaeva S.M.
Masters Thesis, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 239 - 242Effect of Music Therapy on Vitals and GCS Scores of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury at ICUS
Tarun Teja Chunduru, Nensi Gandhi
Research Paper, English Language and Literature, India
Pages: 243 - 254Dramatized Narrative Audiences
Dr. Sunit Kumar Bera
Research Paper, Computer Science, Albania
Pages: 255 - 260A Study of the Advantages and Challenges in the Implementation of E-gov in Transition Countries
Ina Hyseni
Doctoral Thesis, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, India
Pages: 261 - 264Role of DWI in the Evaluation of Intracranial Lesions
Dr Aditya Verma, Dr Mohd Zahid Batt, Dr Abhinav Chetan
Research Paper, Commerce and Law, India
Pages: 265 - 268Social and Environmental Accounting Research: Recent Developments and Future Directions
Dr. Suresh, Nikita Choudhary
Comparative Studies, Geography, India
Pages: 269 - 284Spatiotemporal Analysis on Urban Expansion and Air Quality Index: A Recapitulate Analysis on Environmental Determinism and Anthropogenic Determinism which are more Responsible for Microclimatic Modification of Various Cities in India
Mintu Jana, Taniya Roy
Case Studies, Medicine, India
Pages: 285 - 286Anaesthetic Implications of En Bloc Kidney Transplant from 11 Month Old Donor to an Adult Recipient: A Case Report
Shivali Sandal, Surender Kumar, Dr. Guriqbal Singh
Research Paper, Ceramics, Egypt
Pages: 287 - 289Assessment of Using PCCA in Green Concrete Production
Amal Zamrawi Hassani Hamdnallah
Research Paper, Literature, India
Pages: 290 - 291Portrayal of Class, Caste and Gender in the Contemporary Novels Set in the Society
Bhavana K Naik
Masters Thesis, Nursing, India
Pages: 292 - 295Effectiveness of Individual Planned Teaching Programme (PTP) to the Caregivers on Prevention of Pressure Sores among Caregivers of Immobilised Patients
Aparna B Raj
Review Papers, Orthopedic, China
Pages: 296 - 304Dislocation of Hip Replacement
Dr. Ahmed Jama, Xiong Ying
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, Indonesia
Pages: 305 - 307Adult Onset Hirschsprungs Disease: A Case Report
Felicia Adelina Shannen, Andika, I Made Adi Surya Wijaya
Research Paper, Management, Indonesia
Pages: 308 - 312Measuring Tools for Analyzing Brand Experience and Brand Equity in Tokopedia
Sastilla El Nadhira, Erni Martini
Comparative Studies, Management and Accounting, India
Pages: 313 - 320Financial Performance Analysis of Selected Industrial Automation Companies in India - A Comparative Study
Dr. R. Jayanthi
Research Paper, Education Management, Ghana
Pages: 321 - 324The Comma Conundrum among Higher Education Administrative Staff: A Case Study of Kumasi Technical University, Ghana
Isaac Addai, Charles Obeng Sarpong
Research Paper, History, India
Pages: 330 - 333Buddhism in the Land of Visnu: An Unique Case of Gaya Tirtha
Sreyashi Sen
Case Studies, Dentistry, India
Pages: 334 - 337Prosthetic Eye - A Case Report
Dr. G Abhishek, Dr. S. K. Vishwanath, Dr. K Sounderraj, Dr. Nagaranjani Prakash
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 338 - 341A Study of Functional Outcomes of Anatomical Posterolateral Corner Reconstruction for the Treatment of Posterolateral Instability of the Knee Joint: Minimum 6 Month Follow Up
Dr. Dipak S. Parmar, Dr. Dhaval A. Patel, Dr. Vijay R. Sata, Dr Apoorva V. Dodia
Research Paper, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, India
Pages: 342 - 349Morphological Evaluation of Thyroid Lesions using High Resolution Ultrasonography and Cross Sectional Imaging in a Tertiary Care Center
Dr. Brijesh R. Modh, Dr. Dhagash Patel, Dr. Pratik Tailor
Research Paper, Literature, Georgia
Pages: 350 - 353Idealization of the Sky in Lyrical Works of Georgian and European Writers
Eka Vardoshvili
Survey Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 354 - 356A Descriptive Study to Assess the Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity by Calculating BMI (Body Mass Index) among Women in an Urban Area of Bhiwadi (Rajasthan)
Research Paper, Dentistry, India
Pages: 357 - 360Stereomicroscope in Enhancing the Skill of Grossing Pathological Specimen
Dr. Abhisikta Chakrabarty, Dr. Sahana Srinath, Dr. Capt. Suresh T, Dr. Rhea Verghese
Research Paper, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, India
Pages: 361 - 364Battery Management System using Passive Elements and Arduino
Ashutosh Patel, Shriparno Dey, Akshat Ashish Choudhury, Harris B. Mathews
Informative Article, Law, India
Pages: 365 - 370Medical Negligence in India Vs the Role of Consumer Forum
Amaraa Theiva
Research Paper, Pharmacy, India
Pages: 371 - 374Evaluation of Anti-Pyretic Potential of Indigofera tinctoria using Brewers Yeast induced Pyrexia in Albino Rats
Shubham Bhargava, Yogesh Sharma
Masters Thesis, Software Engineering, Mexico
Pages: 375 - 379Hybrid Method to Develop Software based on Agile and Traditional Methodologies: Requirements, Analysis and Design Phases
Ing. Ayizdeth Fuentes Zarate, Ing. Miguel Angel Munoz Pozos, Dr. Rene Santaolaya Salgado, Dr. Jose Juan Hernandez Mora
Case Studies, Medical Science, Indonesia
Pages: 380 - 383New Event NSTEMI in Severe-Critical COVID-19 Patient: Case Report
Jason Raymond Hotama, Yesicha Kurniawati, I Wayan Sunaka, Wayan Wahyu Semara Putra
Case Studies, Surgery, Bulgaria
Pages: 384 - 386A Rare Case of Symptomatic Bochdalek Hernia in 58-Years-Old Male
Vladislav Stoyanov, Veselina Ivanova
Research Paper, Human Resource Management, Kenya
Pages: 387 - 393Driving Performance through Occupational Risk Avoidance Practices among Kenyan Commercial Banks
Johnstone Kuya, Dr. Susan Ngure, Dr. Anthony Ngunyi
Doctoral Thesis, Medical Science, Albania
Pages: 394 - 3985 Alpha - Reductase and Metabolic Syndrome in PCOS Patients
Emirvina Kolici
Survey Paper, Geography, India
Pages: 399 - 404Response to Coastal Erosion in Coastal Villages of Contai Coastal Tract
Swapan Kumar Tala
Informative Article, History, India
Pages: 405 - 408Trace out the Identity Crisis of the Two Castes of British Bengal: A Study
Ananta Das
Informative Article, Anthropology Science, India
Pages: 409 - 413Basotho Tribe
Shreya Gosalia
Research Paper, Biological Sciences, Senegal
Pages: 414 - 421Reproductive Biology in Ziziphus mauritiana var Gola, and Controlled Hybridization Test with Senegalese Local Jujube
Amadou Diagne, Aliou Ndiaye, Dame Niang, Mahamadou Thiam, Yaye Kene GASSAMA
Review Papers, Pharmacy, India
Pages: 422 - 426Rapid Synthesis of Metallic Nanoparticles by Using Peel of Punica granatum Extract
Shrutika Y. Desai, Sushant Kokane
Masters Thesis, Psychiatry, India
Pages: 427 - 435Effectiveness of Multicomponent Intervention Programme on Motivation, Anxiety and Risk for Relapse among Clients with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome
Maneesha D, Dr. Usha VK, Mariyamma P Alexander
Research Paper, Surgery, India
Pages: 436 - 438Sutureless Thyroidectomy vs Conventional Thyroidectomy: A Comparative Study
Dr Mohan Rao Voruganti, Dr Nalin Krishna Neelagiri, Dr Pradeep Gudipati, Dr B Anil Kumar
Informative Article, History, India
Pages: 439 - 443Society and Culture of Toto Tribe after Colonial Period
Ananta Das
Research Paper, Communication or Media Studies, India
Pages: 444 - 449Transparency and Disclosure: Evaluating CSR Communication by India's Global Giants
Niharika Buragohain, Dr Ankuran Dutta
Research Paper, Marketing, Sudan
Pages: 450 - 453Assessment of Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality Gaps in Domestic and Foreign banks in Sudan
Nasreldin Mohamed Tomsah
Research Paper, Atomic Energy, India
Pages: 454 - 460Theory on Formation of an Atom from a Different Perspective
C D V Dhamodhar
Research Paper, Computer Science and Information Technology, India
Pages: 461 - 465AIs Role in the Fight against COVID-19
Sia Patodia
Research Paper, Dentistry, India
Pages: 466 - 470An In vitro Comparative Evaluation of Marginal Integrity and Axial Wall Adaptation of Provisional Restorations Fabricated by CAD/CAM with those Fabricated Manually
Dr. Girish S. Nazirkar, Dr. Barkha H. Bhoneja, Dr. Manoj M. Lokare, Dr. Prasad R. Padiyar, Dr. Vishwas H. Damale
Research Paper, Chemistry, Sudan
Pages: 471 - 477Study of Some Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Acacia gerrardii Gum from Sudan
Elassam. H. Ahmed, Asma, H. Mohammed, Adam A. Farah, Leila M. Mokhtark
Research Paper, Entomology, India
Pages: 478 - 481Assessment of Impact of Chlorfenapyr 240 SC on Fruit Borer of Tomato
Mamta Solanki, Prof. Nishikant Yadav, Prof. Ganesh Shinde, Prof. Sanjay Adat
Dissertation Chapters, Psychology, Congo
Pages: 482 - 485Impact of Psychological Health on the Culture of Safety at Work: Study Conducted at MMG / Kinsevere / DRC
Research Paper, Medicine, Nepal
Pages: 486 - 488Smoking, A Risk Factor for COPDs in Patient Visiting Shree Bhawani Hospital and Research Center
Dr. Nagmani Ram
Research Paper, Human Resource Management, Indonesia
Pages: 489 - 491Workload Analysis Using Full Time Equivalent Method on Employees Level Staff & Admin at PT ABCD
Junaidi, Muhammad Alfi Fudholi
Doctoral Thesis, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, India
Pages: 492 - 496Radiological Evaluation of Neurological Disorders in Pregnancy and Postpartum
Dr Abhinav Chetan, Dr Aditya Verma, Dr Mohd Arif Khan
Doctoral Thesis, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, India
Pages: 497 - 499Role of USG and MDCT in the Evaluation of Pelvic Pain in Women of Reproductive Age Group
Dr Mohd Arif Khan, Dr Anchal Gupta, Dr Aditya Verma
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 500 - 503Chance Constraint Programming and PSO Techniques for a Multilevel Uncertain Transportation in Supply Chain Model
Sheikh Ahmed Hossain
Research Paper, Education Management, Philippines
Pages: 504 - 508Perception of Teachers on the Leadership Style of Public Secondary School Heads in Sta. Cruz, Zambales
Loida M. Medrano
Survey Paper, Social Work, India
Pages: 509 - 518Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Non-Profit Sector in Telangana
Sandeep Reddy Pisati, Vishnu Cherukuri, Siddhartha Srinadhuni, Srikar Kandikonda, Ravali Bandroju
Dissertation Chapters, Mathematics and Statistics, India
Pages: 519 - 521Comparison of Airports and Airlines Services by Analysis of Variance
Dr. Roshli Aniyeri, Dr. C. Ratnam Nadar
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 522 - 525Study of Prevalence of Anemia among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic in a Tertiary Hospital, Salem, Tamilnadu, India
Manimegalai Rasappan, Suganthi Rangasamy, Shanmugavadivu Lakshmana Kumarasamy
Review Papers, Surgery, Indonesia
Pages: 526 - 533Honey as Topical Dressing in Chronic Wound: A Systematic Review
Komang Abdi Baskara Mayun, Ida Yustiana, IB Pramana Suaryasa, I Made Adipta Adiputra
Research Paper, Biotechnology, Mali
Pages: 534 - 539Preliminary Results of Larvicidal Activity and Phylogenic Analysis of Two Strains of Bacteria Isolated in the Demba Tiarki Tara Pond in Mali
Mamadou Weleba Bagayoko, Djeneba Ouattara, Ibrahim Malle, Doulaye Dembele, Amadou Hamadoun Babana
Research Paper, Education Management, India
Pages: 540 - 542Experiencing Open Schooling in the Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University): A Case Study
K. Dhivya
Research Paper, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, India
Pages: 543 - 547CNTFET Based Ternary Multiplier Circuit
Pradeep Singh Yadav, Anurag Nair
Research Paper, Biomedical Sciences, Indonesia
Pages: 1625 - 1629Oral Administration of Cassia Alata L. Leaves Ethanol Extract Prevented the Decrease of Leydig Cell Number but Did Not Decrease of Testosterone Level in Male Wistar Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Exposed to Cell Phone Radiation
Ni Made Dharmiyanti, Wimpie Pangkahila, A.A.A.N. Susraini
Research Paper, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, Sudan
Pages: 548 - 551Study of Using Ultra-Sonography in the Diagnosis of Different Pelvic Pathologies 2018-2019
Maha Esmeal Ahmed Esmeal, Nagla Hussien Mohamed Khalid, Samia Abdelgaum Fathelrahman
Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 552 - 559Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based Five Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter
Patil Ashwini P., Shete Sandesh G.
Research Paper, Literature, Morocco
Pages: 560 - 562The Re-creation of Western Colonial Wars in Alejo Carpentiers Like the Night
Abdelkrim AOUL
Research Paper, Homeopathy, India
Pages: 563 - 564Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicine in Treatment of Dengue Fever
Dr. Naincy
Research Paper, Geography, India
Pages: 56 - 575Spreading the COVID-19 and COVID 19 Hotspot Regions: A Comparative Analysis of the International Relationship and Globalization Impact on Infective and Mortality Status in the World
Taniya Roy, Mintu Jana, Srikrishna Paul
Comparative Studies, Mathematics and Statistics, India
Pages: 576 - 579A Comparative Analysis for the Solution of Unbalanced Transportation Model by Various Methods
P. Chandrakala
Research Paper, Neural Networks, India
Pages: 580 - 584Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Inception Modules
Asha K Kumaraswamy, Chandrashekar M. Patil
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 585 - 590A Study on Negative Effects of Job Stress at Select it Companies in Hyderabad
Dr. V. Samunnatha, K. Archana
Research Paper, Geography, India
Pages: 591 - 595Physiography and Geology of Gori Ganga Watershed, Kumaun Higher Himalaya
D. S. Parihar
Research Paper, Orthopedic, India
Pages: 596 - 599An Observational Study of Results of Dry Needling in Lateral Epicondylitis
Dr Janak Rathod, Dr Parth Kinkhabwala
Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 600 - 606Design of Optimized PID Controller for Blood Glucose Level Using CSA
Shubham Singh, Amrit Kaur Bhullar
Research Paper, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Morocco
Pages: 607 - 617Institutional Practices in Moroccan Clusters in Favori of Innovation: Case of the Solar Cluster
Imane Kamal, Youssef Moflih
Research Paper, Human Resource Management, India
Pages: 618 - 622The Impact of Leadership Style on Employees Performance, Commitment & Motivation
Vinit V. Adarkar, Prajakta M. Khomane, Ashish B. Kadam
Research Paper, General Surgery, India
Pages: 623 - 625Mannheims Peritonitis Index - A Predictor of Mortality in Peritonitis
Mohan Rao Voruganti, Sushmitha Tummala, Avinash Addagada, Anil Kumar Bodepudi
Research Paper, General Surgery, India
Pages: 626 - 629A Retrospective Study to Assess the Efficacy of Surgical APGAR Score
Rehman Munilal Mohammed, Avinash Addagada, Sushmitha Tummala, B. Anil Kumar
Research Paper, Physics and Astronomy, India
Pages: 630 - 632Mystery of Black Hole Resolved with the Help of Number Four
Somdatt Kumar
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 633 - 636A Study on Cervical Cancer Screening Using Pap Smear Test and Clinical Correlation
Dr. Kiran Choudhary, Dr. Rekha Jakhar
Research Paper, Social Science, Philippines
Pages: 637 - 641Mindset and Self-Control: Exploring its Relationship and Differences in Mathematics Performance
Christopher R. Vergara
Research Paper, Health and Medical Sciences, India
Pages: 642 - 644Level of Internet Addiction among School going Adolescents
Ajaz Ahmad Khan, Mohammad Sameer Khan
Research Paper, Control Systems Engineering, Mexico
Pages: 645 - 653Adaptation of the Short Time Fourier Transform for Analysis of Nonlinear Time-Varying Continuous Systems
Guillermo Manuel Flores Figueroa, Juan Alejandro Vazquez Feijoo, Guillermo Urriolagoitia Sosa
Research Paper, Law, Mexico
Pages: 654 - 660The State and its Workers
Dr. Ricardo Lopez Henaine
Research Paper, Business and Finance, India
Pages: 661 - 666An Enquiry into the Existence of Herding in National Stock Exchange - CSAD Model Approach
Puja Tiwari
Research Paper, Microbiology, Ireland
Pages: 667 - 673Isolation and Identification of Soil Fungi from Ghemins, Libya
Latifa Abdel-Hafid Jwieli, Nadia Ali Elramli, Sanaa Rajab Othman, Naeema Matuoog
Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, Libya
Pages: 674 - 678Simulation of Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) Thiophene in Naphtha over a Cobalt - Molybdenum Catalyst
Fouad Sadig Rashed, Tayeb Taher Elfarah
Doctoral Thesis, Education Management, Indonesia
Pages: 679 - 683The Effect of Empowering Christian Education by Sunday School Teachers, Teacher Exemplary Early Childhood education and Parental Guidance on the Formation of Early Childhood Christian Character in North Tapanuli Regency in 2020
Hisardo Sitorus
Case Studies, Medicine and Dentistry, India
Pages: 684 - 686Invasive or Malignant External Otitis (MEO) Involving the Temporomandibular Joint: A Case Report
Dr. Merwin Paul R, Dr. Pushan Maity, Dr. Praveen Ganesh N, RVM Surya Rao, Dr. Alagar Raja D, Dr. S Narayanamurthy, Dr. Anand Prasath
Research Paper, Medical Science, Dominica
Pages: 687 - 691High Dose Vitamin A Cures Severe Acne Vulgaris
Walter P. Drake N.D.
Case Studies, Dentistry, Indonesia
Pages: 692 - 694Management and Assessment of Success in the Treatment of Dentoalveolar Fractures with Avulsion in Children: Case Report
Timotius Andi Kadrianto, Endang Sjamsudin
Case Studies, Surgery, Malaysia
Pages: 695 - 696Tarlov Cyst Mimicking Large Symptomatic Ovarian Cyst: A Case Report
Ashok Marappan, Sanmugarajah Paramasvaran
Research Paper, Medical Science, India
Pages: 697 - 698Privative Majors of Arsenicum Album - 30 in COVID-19 in All Age Groups
Dr. Sangita S. Anwat, Dr. Swati B. Jadhav
Research Paper, Biodiversity and Conservation, India
Pages: 699 - 705Decomposition and Seasonal Changes in Nutrient Constituents in Mangrove (Sonneratiaapetala) Litter of Newly Emerged Deltaic Island (Nayachar) on the River Hooghly, West Bengal, India: r.e,f Soil Microarthropods
M. K. Dey, A. K. Hazra
Research Paper, Statistics, Bangladesh
Pages: 706 - 717Impact of Threshold Value for Detecting Drought Index: A Case Study from Pabna District of Bangladesh
Md. Mostafizur Rahman, M. Sayedur Rahman
Research Paper, Organizational Performance, India
Pages: 718 - 721A Study on Importance of Ethics & CSR among Millennial Generation
Nikhil Nimje, Vinayak Kadam, Onkar Gole
Research Paper, Cardiology Science, India
Pages: 722 - 726A Study of Efficacy of the Classic ECG Criteria to Diagnose Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Hypertensive Subjects and Evaluation of a New Score
Prakash Bagchi, Biswarup Sarkar, Shatanik Hazra
Research Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 727 - 730Use of Mitis Salivarius Agar Base for Presumptive Identification of Streptococcus salivarius Collected from Clinical Samples
Siddeshwari Ajay Tiwari, Jyoti. Magare
Comparative Studies, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, India
Pages: 731 - 734Effect of IASTM versus Kinesiotaping on Maximal Grip Strength in Healthy Adults: A Single Blinded Randomized Controlled Comparative Study
Hemali Gandhi, Sadia Kazi, Swati Sanghvi
Research Paper, Agriculture, Iraq
Pages: 735 - 737Evaluation of the Inhibition Effectiveness of Some Plant Extracts Against Bacterial and Fungal Isolates that Pathogenic Humans
Hajar S. Al-Meziraa, Rasha K. Hamza, Nadia N. Hamed
Research Paper, Accounting, India
Pages: 738 - 740Emerging Challenges and Trends in Commerce Education in India
Rameshbhai G. Pawar
Research Paper, Surgery, India
Pages: 741 - 749Formulating Treatment Protocol in Diabetic Foot by Assessment of Neurological, Vascular, Dermatological and Skeletal Status
Vivek Kunwar, Dr. Mohit Jain, Dr. Anubha Srivastava, Ravi Raj Patil, Bhasker Chowdhary, Utkarsh
Research Paper, Business Management, India
Pages: 750 - 752Various types of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India Since 1991-2021
Abhay Kumar
Research Paper, Dentistry, Iraq
Pages: 753 - 755Benign Paroxsymal Positional Vertigo (A Hidden Myth in Dentistry)
Dr. M. A. Ateeq, Dr. Syeda Lubna Fathima
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 756 - 759Number Theoretic Functions and Coordinate Geometry
Chirag Gupta
Research Paper, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, India
Pages: 760 - 765MR Evaluation of Uterine Mass Lesions in Correlation with Transabdominal and Transvaginal Ultrasound
Dr. Bhaswani Butti, Dr. K. S. Suneetha, Dr. Indira Sri Sailaja, Dr. Anuradha.B
Research Paper, Neuroscience, India
Pages: 766 - 770Etiologic Profile of Non-Compressive Myelopathy in a Large Tertiary Care Centre of North West Part of India
Dr Yavnika Jain, Dr Rajendra Singh Jain, Dr Trilochan Srivastav
Research Paper, Medical Science, India
Pages: 771 - 777Role of Ormeloxifene in Regression of Cyclical Mastalgia
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal, Dr. Avni Singh
Research Paper, Economics & Management, Tunisia
Pages: 778 - 787Working Conditions and Employee Absenteeism: A Study on A Sample of Tunisian Agro-Food Workers
Research Paper, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Zambia
Pages: 788 - 795Promoting Sustainable Building Construction in Zambia
Gomezga Gregory Mtonga, Chabota Kaliba
Research Paper, Medicine, India
Pages: 796 - 800Demographic Study of Pleural Effusion in a Tertiary Care Centre
Dr Nitin Rustogi
Research Paper, Medical Science, India
Pages: 801 - 807Role of Ormeloxifene in Regression of Benign Breast Diseases
Dr. Gaurav Agrawal, Dr. Avni Singh
Masters Thesis, Gynaecology, India
Pages: 808 - 813Prevalence and Related Risk Factors of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia among Peri and Post Menopausal Women
Dr. Remya Mohanan.T.V, Dr. Neetha George, Dr. Sareena Gilvaz, Dr. Soumya Mohanan.T.V
Research Paper, Chemical Sciences, India
Pages: 814 - 817A Green Approach: For the Synthesis of Curcumin and Its Derivatives
J. M. Pawara
Research Paper, Botany, India
Pages: 818 - 822Notes on Freshwater Diatoms from Sawai Madhopur-II, Rajasthan, India
Lakhpat Meena
Dissertation Chapters, Education Management, Indonesia
Pages: 823 - 827The Effect of Empowering Christian Education by Sunday School Teachers, Teacher Exemplary Early Childhood Education and Parental Guidance on the Formation of Early Childhood Christian Character in North Tapanuli Regency in 2020
Hisardo Sitorus
Research Paper, Law, Cameroon
Pages: 828 - 835An Appraisal of the Law on Consumer Protection in Cameroon with Respect to Technology Products
Dr Ngaundje Doris Leno
Case Studies, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 836 - 837A Case Report of Cornual Pregnancy
Dr. Shilpa Chahar, Dr. Hanslata Gehlot
Research Paper, Construction Management, Iraq
Pages: 838 - 840Proposed Road Infrastructure PPPS Contract Management System (RIPCMS)
Dr. Asmaa I. Tewfic Aljanaby
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 841 - 844A Study to Assess Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding First Aid among Drivers in Selected City
Priya Jadhav
Research Paper, Microbiology, India
Pages: 845 - 850A Novel Approach for Siderophore Production by Pseudomonas mendocina under Solid State Fermentation using Inert Support
Dr. Bindu P
Research Paper, Business Management, Turkey
Pages: 851 - 863The Effect of ERP Systems Implementation on Organizational Performance at Small and Medium Companies in Amman - Jordan
Rashed Amin Rashed Aloqaily
Research Paper, Dentistry, India
Pages: 864 - 867Detection of TTV and EBV in Type II Diabetic Patients with Chronic Periodontitis Patients - A Pilot Study
Dr. Rishika Battula, Dr. Sheela Kumar Gujjari
Review Papers, Medical Science, India
Pages: 868 - 872Oral Physician in Tobacco Cessation: Review Article
Shaik Mobeen, K Sridevi, Viswaprakash Shetty
Research Paper, Education Management, India
Pages: 873 - 877Status of PWD in Higher Education - Aishe Data Analysis
Tushar Kanti Ghara
Short Communication, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, India
Pages: 878 - 880Early Diagnosis and Effective Treatment of Caecal Coccidiosis in a Flock of White Aseel Fighter Chicken in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh
J. Venkatesh Yadav
Informative Article, Nursing, India
Pages: 881 - 883Rights of Mentally Ill Patients
Renuka Polly Dass, Dr. Anu Gauba
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 884 - 887Elective Induction versus Spontaneous Labor at Term: A Prospective Study of Outcome and Complications
Tanmay Mathur, R.K. Deora, Saroj Chaudhary, Indra Bhati, Divya Mittal
Review Papers, Medical Science, Bulgaria
Pages: 888 - 891Pharmacogenetic Aspects of Anesthesia and Postoperative Anesthetization
Kameliya Tsvetanova
Research Paper, Commerce and Economic Studies, India
Pages: 892 - 893Role of Leadership in Organisational Development
Dr. Arunesh Kumar Gupta
Review Papers, Physics, Serbia
Pages: 894 - 903The Secret of Gods Perfection
Ilija Lakicevic
Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, India
Pages: 904 - 911Thermodynamic Parameters of Adsorption of Nickel and Lead onto Cinnamomum Camphora Seeds Powder
M Murali Naik, P Akhila Swathanthra
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 912 - 915A Prospective Study of Fetomaternal Outcome in Eclampsia in a Tertiary Care Centre in Western Rajasthan
Divya Mittal, Ranjana Desai, Tanmay Mathur, Sunny Solanki
Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 916 - 919A Comparative Study of Pulmonary Function between Exercising and Non-Exercising Obese Adults
Hetvi Chheda, Shweta Manwadkar
Research Paper, Computer Science, Ukraine
Pages: 920 - 922Selection of the Number of Components to Keep in Order to Build High Quality Regression Model
Solovei Olga, Solovei Bohdan
Photo Essay, Ophthalmology, India
Pages: 923 - 925Laser Device Induced Retinopathy: An Uncommon and Under-reported Public Health Issue
Nadeem A. Kazi, Madhu Kumar R., Ashok Kanakamedala, Jaya Madhuri G, Sriram Simakurthy
Research Paper, Human Resource Management, India
Pages: 926 - 929A Study on Importance of Attitudes and Values among the Employees of the Hospitality Industry
Aamir Ahmad Shah, Mohammad Junaid Khan, Anuj Gupta
Research Paper, Food Science, Bangladesh
Pages: 930 - 934A Qualitative Study of Microbiological Analysis of Raw Milk Samples and Yogurt from Different Selected Districts of Bangladesh
Dr. G. M. M Anwarul Hasan, Sadia Sultana, Sanjida Khanam
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Indonesia
Pages: 935 - 942Risk Analysis of Time in Building Development Viewed from the Contractors Side in Jayapura
Dewi Ana Rusim, Antas H. Sinaga, Harmonis Rante
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Indonesia
Pages: 943 - 946Analysis of Flash Floods Behaviors in Sentani, Jayapura Regency, Papua
Mujiati, David, Harmonis Rante
Survey Paper, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 947 - 948Effects of Lockdown on Mental Health of General Public due to Novel Coronavirus Disease
Samiur Rahman, Dr. Sakshi Bansal
Review Papers, Health Sciences, India
Pages: 949 - 951Non-Pharmacological Management of Hypertension
Himani Tambde, Anshupa Patel Gupta, Sambhaji Nichal
Case Studies, Statistics, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 952 - 955Forecasting Students Performance: A Case Study at Tabuk University
Mohamed Zidan, Atif Ali Yassin, Gafar Haroun
Research Paper, Environmental Science Studies, Sri Lanka
Pages: 956 - 967Identifying the Factors Leading to Mismanagement of Floodplains in Kelani River Basin; Particular Reference to Kaduwela Divisional Secretariat of Colombo District in Sri Lanka
Kanchana Rajapaksha, Weththige Varunika Nishani Fernando
Informative Article, Nursing, India
Pages: 968 - 971Menstrual Hygiene among Indian Urban- Rural Adolescent Girls - Problem, Hygiene and Disadvantages
Preeti Pal, Saharsh Walter
Research Paper, Medical Science, Indonesia
Pages: 972 - 975Analytical Correlation of D-dimer as Coagulation Biomarker with C-Reactive Protein, Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio, and Absolute Lymphocyte Count as Inflammatory Biomarker in COVID-19 Patient: A Retrospective Study
Kadek Surya Atmaja, I Gede Dilajaya Robin, Wayan Wahyu Semara Putra, Ni Made Dwita Yaniswari
Research Paper, Medical Microbiology, India
Pages: 976 - 978Detection of Pyogenic Infections among Clinical Samples Received in Department of Microbiology in Integral Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh: A Retrospective Analysis
Nikita Mishra, Shilpi Srivastava, Namita Srivastava
Research Paper, Economics, Spain
Pages: 979 - 986Country Evaluation of Islamic Economic Criteria: An Application Using Entropy Weight and TOPSIS Methodologies
Mayor-Vitoria F., Garca-Bernabeu A., Nor Aida Abdul Rahman, Mohammad Fakhrulnizam Mohammad
Research Paper, Industrial Engineering, Bangladesh
Pages: 987 - 992A Green Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Delivery and Pickup with Time Windows for Cost Optimization
Mst. Anjuman Ara
Research Paper, Geophysics, China
Pages: 993 - 1001Determination of Curie Depth, Geothermal Energy and Heat Flow in Chad Basin Northeast Nigeria Using Spectral Analysis of Aeromagnetic Data
Sulaiman Garba Yana, Juzhi Deng, Hui Chen, Yanguo Wang
Review Papers, Material Science and Engineering, Iraq
Pages: 1002 - 1005High Temperature Corrosion and Protection Methods: A Review
Maha S. Hirmaz
Research Paper, Medical Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1006 - 1008Central Nervous System Effect of Efavirenz at Wangaya Hospital 2017 - 2020
Lisa Anggriani Susanto, I Made Bayu Surya Dana, Ketut Suryana
Research Paper, Medical Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1009 - 1013Effect of Art Increasing Hemoglobin in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patient with Anemia at Wangaya Hospital in 2018-2020
I Made Bayu Surya Dana, Lisa Anggriani Susanto, Ketut Suryana
Survey Paper, Automobiles, India
Pages: 1014 - 1018Automobile Powered By Electricity in Future World
S. Ramya, S. Abirami Sree, H. Harsha
Research Paper, Human Resource Management, India
Pages: 1019 - 1022To Study the Perception of House Maids towards Sanitary Pads: With Reference to Navi Mumbai and Satara
Janhavi Sharma, Saheli Ghose, Anisha Patil
Research Paper, Ayurveda, India
Pages: 1023 - 1025Role of Amrutadi Kwath and Dashamool Kwath during Postpartum Period - A Comparative Analysis
Dr. Gouri G. Ganpatye
Research Paper, Microbiology, Nigeria
Pages: 1026 - 1029Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection among Age Groups in Bauchi Metropolis, Nigeria
S. Isma'il
Research Paper, Anaesthesiology, India
Pages: 1030 - 1035A Review of Thromboelastography
Dr Penmatsa Swathi, Dr Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti
Case Studies, Surgery, India
Pages: 1036 - 1039Study of Anatomical Variations of Extra Hepatic Biliary System Found during Cholecystectomy
Dr. Sarita Das, Dr. Anjana Nigam, Dr. Ruby Singh
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Agricultural Engineering, India
Pages: 1040 - 1046Morphometric Analysis of Jintur Sub-Watershed Drainage Basin through Remote Sensing and GIS
S. D. Payal, A. S. Kadale, S. M. Apturkar
Research Paper, Medicine, Indonesia
Pages: 1047 - 1048Treatment and Diagnose Approach of Moderate Anemia Patient with Suspected Colorectal Cancer: Case Report
I Made Adi Narendranatha Komara, Made Wida Prasetya, Jason Raymond Hotama, I Gede Wahyu Pratama, I Made Suma Wirawan
Informative Article, Public Health, India
Pages: 1049 - 1051Spiritual Health and Self Actualization
Neera Dhar, Ankur Yadav
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 1052 - 1058Evaluation of Accuracy of Saline Infusion Sonohysterography with Endometrial Pathology in Patients with Postmenopausal Bleeding
Dr. Nejitha.A, Dr. Saley Daniel, Dr. Aneesh MK
Research Paper, Ophthalmology, India
Pages: 1059 - 1062Non-Surgical Closure of Uveitic Macular Holes
Ruminder Kaur, Manmeet Singh, Renu Thakur
Research Paper, Urology, Egypt
Pages: 1063 - 1096Final Affirmative Proof Starlings Law Wrong and G Tube Hydrodynamic is the Correct Replacement: New Results and Critical Analytical Criticisms of Impactful Landmark Articles
Dr. Ahmed N. Ghanem
Research Paper, Dentistry, Jordan
Pages: 1097 - 1102The Effects of Increasing Occlusal Vertical Dimension among Edentulous Jordanian Patients
Ahmad Alawneh, Ahmad Alshare, Hamza Alkhawaldeh, Ahmad Al Dalalah, Amer Joudeh
Research Paper, Language Research, Uzbekistan
Pages: 1103 - 1106The Comparative Adjectival Phraseological Units Describing Persons Character in English and Karakalpak Languages
Khudaibergenov Azamat Abdikalikovich
Review Papers, Botany, India
Pages: 1107 - 1112Microalgae as Source of Renewable Source of Energy-The Process Review
Dr. Lakhpat Meena
Research Paper, Dentistry, India
Pages: 1113 - 1116Silicone Finger Prosthesis - An Aesthetic Treatment Option for Partial Finger Amputation: Case Report
Dr. Rahulkumar R. Patel, Dr. Kinjal Solanki, Dr. Ina Patel
Case Studies, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, India
Pages: 1117 - 1119Rare Case of Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor (Pindborg Tumor)
Archit Tyagi, Kotha Hari Priyanka, Hetal Kavad
Research Paper, Psychology, Indonesia
Pages: 1120 - 1123Application of Behavioral Therapy in Children that Have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Rizky Nadya Febriyanti, Mamilla Garinaperdani
Research Paper, Botany, India
Pages: 1124 - 1126Conservation and Cultivation of Medicinal Plants in the Gandhinagar District of Gujarat
Dhruti Anand Shukla
Research Paper, Humanities, Morocco
Pages: 1127 - 1138Investigating Teachers Perceptions towards the Incorporation of ICT in the EFL Classroom in Morocco
Mustapha Zanzoun
Research Paper, Animal Science, India
Pages: 1139 - 1143Comparative Study on the Knowledge Level and Constraints Faced by the Backyard Poultry Farmers of Two Villages in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Shardul Vikram Lal, N Anand Laxmi, Pooja Kapoor, Augustine Jerard
Research Paper, Medicine, India
Pages: 1144 - 1146Study on the Awareness and the Availability of Safe Drinking Water and its Associated Morbidity in the Guwahati City
Jhankar Hazarika, Jutika Ojah
Research Paper, Education Management, Kuwait
Pages: 1147 - 1151E-Learning Tool Evaluating for Both Trainer and Trainee in PAAET Basic Education College using NetOp during COVID-19 Effect
Amal Almutairat, Mariam Almie
Research Paper, Communication or Media Studies, India
Pages: 1152 - 1157Credibility and Validity of Forward Messages in IM Apps: Analysis based on a Longitudinal Study
Arun V Krishna
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 1158 - 1161A Study to Assess the Effectiveness Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Helfer Skin Tap Technique on IM Injection to Reduce Pain for Infant among Nurses in Selected Hospitalat Gonda, Uttar Pradesh
Muthumaheswari.R, Dr. Jinu K. Rajan
Review Papers, Biomedical Sciences, India
Pages: 1162 - 1165Bionic Pancreas
Patil Darshan Rajkumar
Research Paper, Engineering Science, Ukraine
Pages: 1166 - 1168Sintering of Powder Ferromagnetic Materials by Visible Radiation in a Constant Magnetic Field
Ihor Kolesnyk
Research Paper, Engineering Science, Ukraine
Pages: 1169 - 1171Installation for Sintering Metal Powders in a Constant Magnetic Field
Ihor Kolesnyk
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 1172 - 1174The Effectiveness of Objective Structured Clinical Examination on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Hand Washing Technique among 1st Year B.SC Nursing Students
Pradhiba S. P. M.
Research Paper, Economics and Management, China
Pages: 1175 - 1181An Empirical Study on the Impact of Digital Inclusive Finance on Rural Revitalization
Zhang Gaiting
Research Paper, Botany, India
Pages: 1182 - 1185Fungi Isolated from Different Fruits Obtained from Fruit Vendors of Nagpur City
Archana Sawane
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 1186 - 1189A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Prevention and Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage among Staff Nurses at Selected Hospitals, Lucknow
Jyoti Srivastava
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, Albania
Pages: 1190 - 1195Energy and Environmental Analysis of the Current use of Heating and Recommendations for the most Suitable Energy and Environmental Heating Systems in the City of Korca
Ramadan Alushaj, Flamur Bidaj
Informative Article, Social Studies, India
Pages: 1196 - 1201Women Empowerment: An In-Depth Understanding of the Challenges Faced by Indian Women, Steps Taken by Government and Way Forward
Dr. Rafi Ramzan Dar
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 1202 - 1204A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Assisted Reproductive Technology among the Infertile Couples in Selected Hospital at Gonda, UP
Smitha Philip, Dr. Jinu K. Rajan
Research Paper, Pharmacy, India
Pages: 1205 - 1209Purification, Characterization and Evaluation of Babool Gum as Pharmaceutical Excipients
Vandana Chaudhary, Ravi Kumar Patel, Rishabha Malviya
Research Paper, Environmental Science Studies, Bangladesh
Pages: 1210 - 1219Temporal Variation of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Water in Buriganga River
Foez Ahmed, A. K. M. Rashidul Alam
Research Paper, Ayurveda, India
Pages: 1220 - 1224A Comparative Study on Efficacy of Erandamooladi Nirooha Yogabasti and Ajamodadi Choorna in the Management of Amavata
Dr. Seeta M. Biradar, �Dr. Amit R. Nampalliwar, Dr. Sateesh S. Patil, Dr. Shruti Hiremath
Informative Article, Computer Science, India
Pages: 1225 - 1227Python Language Libraries
Tiji Tom
Case Studies, Medical Microbiology, India
Pages: 1228 - 12291kocuria Cristinae - A Case Report from an Osteomyelitis Patient
Dr. Sushama Neema, Dr. Saishruti, Dr. Asim Negi
Research Paper, Earth Science and Engineering, India
Pages: 1230 - 1234Innovating Extension of Almost Pythagorean Triples in Prime Numbers and Possible Uses in Science
Somnath Mahapatra
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 1235 - 1237Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Assisted Reproductive Technology among Infertile Women
Dr. T. C. Suguna
Case Studies, Pathology, India
Pages: 1238 - 1240Synovial Osteochondromatosis with Lipomatosis - A Rare Case Report
Dr. R. P. Siddiqui, Dr. Vanita Bhaskar, Dr. Apurva Agrawal, Dr. Jyoti Porte
Research Paper, Zoology, India
Pages: 1241 - 1247Study the Effect of Alpha $ Beta Adenergic Agonist and Antagonist on Fish Melanophores
Rekha Yadav
Research Paper, Earth Science and Engineering, Afghanistan
Pages: 1248 - 1253The Sodium Role on Soil Penetration, Its Impact in North Kabul, Afghanistan
Jan Aqa Satar
Research Paper, Health and Medical Sciences, Libya
Pages: 1254 - 1258Prevalence, Gender Distribution, and Allelic Distribution of ABO and Rh-D Blood Groups in AL-Salim Laboratory for Medical Analysis, Ajdabiya, Libya
Hameda Ali El-Moghrabi, Ibrahim Al-Drussi, Fatma Yousuf Ziuo, Fatimah Akraym Omar, Khalil El-Brghty
Research Paper, Orthopedic, India
Pages: 1259 - 1262Functional Outcome of JESS External Fixator System for Distal End Radius Fractures
Dr. Janak Rathod, Dr. Parth Kinkhabwala
Research Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 1263 - 1267Comparative Antimicrobial Efficacy of Chrysopogon Zizanioides and Matricaria Chamomilla along with 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite and 2% Chlorhexidine against Enterocococcus Faecalis: An In-Vitro Study
Dr. Shashin Shah, Dr. Nidhi Ruparelia, Dr. Vaibhavi Solanki, Dr. Bansri Patel
Research Paper, English Language and Literature, India
Pages: 1268 - 1270Significance of Butterfly Effect in the Play Antony and Cleopatra
Merrin Antony
Research Paper, Social Science, India
Pages: 2478 - 2482Information Support Systems for Small-Scale Industries in North East India: A Review
Dr. Zuchamo Yanthan
Research Paper, Commerce and Economic Studies, India
Pages: 1271 - 1273An Over View of Current Use of Advanced Analytics in Banking Sector
Research Paper, Geosciences and Environment, Nigeria
Pages: 1274 - 1284Perception of Port Harcourt Residents on Governments Interventions towards Air Quality: The Implication for Air Pollution Policy Accountability Framework
Rogers B. Kanee, Precious N. Ede, Adewale J. Adeyemi, Chibianotu Ojimah, Akuro. E. Gobo, David O. Edokpa, Golden Owhonda, Omosivie Maduka
Case Studies, Dentistry, India
Pages: 1285 - 1286Impression Matters Stamp Technique
Shraddha Jagtap, Leena Padhye
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 1287 - 1295Professional Burnout in Nurses across India: A Cross - Sectional Study
Meenu Jain, Maya Patlia, Vaishali Thakare, Deepak Langade
Case Studies, Linguistics, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 1296 - 1300ELT Online Challenges during Coronavirus Time, A Case Study of Jouf University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Alshafee Albadawy Mohammed Ahmed
Research Paper, Zoology, India
Pages: 1301 - 1308Evaluation of Antimicrobial Efficacy and Physico Chemical Properties of Raw and Processed Honey
Amaravathi D
Case Studies, Computer Science and Information Technology, India
Pages: 1309 - 1310COVID-19 Effects on Web Development Industry
Albin Kurian
Research Paper, Architecture & Planning, Algeria
Pages: 1311 - 1317Reintegration of Nature in the City of Algeria: Model Case of Oued Kouba District in Annaba (North-East of Algeria)
Kamila DJEBAR, Akrem BOUTCHICHA, Rachid Rouabhi
Case Studies, Business Administration, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 1318 - 1324The Moderating Role of Organizational Innovation on the Relationship between Transformational Training Programs and Quality Orientation of Employees
Dr. Fadi Hamed Alqudah
Research Paper, Animal Science, India
Pages: 1325 - 1329Development of in-House Recombinant OMP31 (rOMP31) Protein Based Latex Bed Test for the Diagnosis of Ovine and Caprine Brucellosis
Singh A., Verma A. K., Nigam R
Research Paper, Economics & Management, Indonesia
Pages: 1330 - 1337Comparison of the Optimal Portfolio Performance of Islamic Stock Issuers in Malaysia and Indonesia
Jatu Indri Puspasari
Research Paper, Surgery, India
Pages: 1338 - 1341Laparoscopic Sub Total Cholecystectomy - An Alternative to Conversion to Open Cholecystectomy
Dr Mohan RaoVoruganti, Dr Koduru Ashish, Dr Bathula Aravind Babu, Dr Anil Kumar B
Case Studies, Materials Engineering, India
Pages: 1342 - 1348Case Study of Failure of Titanic Ship
Mohd Nazim, Dr. Ravi Butola, Dr. JP Kesari
Research Paper, Agricultural Engineering, India
Pages: 1349 - 1351Extraction of Hazelnut Oil and its Application in Food Product Development
Ngawang Choden, Deepak T. Bornare
Research Paper, Psychology, India
Pages: 1352 - 1354A Study of Adjustment of School Students of Sangrur Distt (Punjab) in Relation to Gender, Locale and Stream
Jaspreet Kaur, Dr Pushkrit Gupta
Research Paper, Physics, Serbia
Pages: 1355 - 1360The Secret of a Happy Genius
Ilija Lakicevic
Research Paper, Ayurveda, Nepal
Pages: 1361 - 1365Etiopathogenesis of Abhishyanda (Allergic Conjunctivitis) from Ayurveda and Modern Perspective - A Critical Review
Sadhana Parajuli
Informative Article, Psychology Science, India
Pages: 1366 - 1366Zeigarnik Effect and Its Implications in Our Day to Day Lives
Pallavi Sahu
Research Paper, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 1367 - 1369Study of Risk Factors of Post-Partum Hemorrhage and Its Outcome at Tertiary Care Center
Dr. Sunny Solanki, Dr. Ritu Bijarniya, Dr. Divya Mittal
Research Paper, Human Resource Management, Kenya
Pages: 1370 - 1379Performance Enhancement Through Occupational Risk Control Practices. Empirical Findings from Commercial Banks in Kenya
Johnstone Kuya, Dr. Susan Wanuri Ngure, Dr. Anthony Ngunyi
Review Papers, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Bangladesh
Pages: 1380 - 1391A Review of Digital FIR Filter Design in Communication Systems
Kamal Hossain, Roni Ahmed, Md. Asadul Haque, Muahmmad Towfiqur Rahman
Case Studies, Medical Science, Indonesia
Pages: 1392 - 1395Tourette Syndrome Associated to Streptococcal Infections in 14 Years Old Male
I Made Suwananta, Dewi Sutriani Mahalini, IGN Made Suwarba
Research Paper, Economics, India
Pages: 1396 - 1399Performance of Agro Based Exports in India
Dr. Md Mahmood Alam
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 1400 - 1406A Study for Organisations Equity Theory with Respect to Motivation of its Employee: With Reference to a Hospital in Mumbai Suburban
Jennifer Varghese, Neha Khetade, Shreya Shetty
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 1407 - 1414A Comparative Analysis of Simultaneous Nutrient Removal in Two Full-Scale Advanced SBR-based Sewage Treatment Plants
Ghazal Srivastava, Ankur Rajpal, Absar Ahmad Kazmi
Research Paper, Ophthalmology, India
Pages: 1415 - 1418Diabetic Retinopathy and its Relation with Serum Lipid and Serum Homocysteine Levels
Dr. Himanshu Kumar Yadav, Dr. Snigdha Sen, Dr. Rachana
Research Paper, Finance, China
Pages: 1419 - 1423Research on the Influence of the Leadership Structure of Private Listed Companies on Investment Efficiency
Gan Lu
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 1424 - 1429A Prospective Study of Comparative Evaluation of High Resolution Ultrasonography and Ohmanns Scoring System in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis
Bhasker Chowdhary, Dr. V. K. Pandey, Rohit Singh, Vivek Kunwar, Vivek Paharwar, Vidushi Tiwari, Prakhar Pratap
Research Paper, Law, India
Pages: 1430 - 1436Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism in India
Sarita Singh
Informative Article, Homeopathy, India
Pages: 1437 - 1439Orchid Children and Homoeopathy
Dr. Leena Samnani
Research Paper, Health Sciences, Brazil
Pages: 1440 - 1447Mathematical Tool for Choosing the Best Material for Producing Masks
Helenice de Oliveira Florentino, Sanja Petrovic, Daniela Renata Cantane
Research Paper, Physics Science, Sweden
Pages: 1448 - 1451Reality and the Principle of Relations
Thomas Nordstrom
Research Paper, Medicine, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 1452 - 1461Sickle Cell Disease Management in Primary Health Care Centers, Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Physicians, Qatif, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ahmed Al Rumaih, Ibrahim Al Sultan, Taghreed Al Shaban
Research Paper, Orthopaedic Surgery, India
Pages: 1462 - 1466Study of the Functional and Radiological Outcome of Surgical Management of Unstable Extra - Articular Fracture of Distal End of Radius by Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation with K Wire
Dr. Amit Dave
Research Paper, Environmental Science Studies, Cameroon
Pages: 1467 - 1478Human Right to Security in the English Legal Tradition 0 Myth or Reality? Legal Perspectives
Andre Felix Martial TCHOFFO
Research Paper, Art and Architecture, Vietnam
Pages: 1479 - 1482Aesthetic Similarities Between Patterns on Phung Nguyenpottery in the North of Vietnam and Those on Ancient Pottery in the Southeast Asia and South China
MA. Nguyen Quang Hung
Review Papers, Arts and Humanities, Nigeria
Pages: 1483 - 1491Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on the Economic Activity and the Spread of the Virus in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Dr. Ogunlade J.O., Dr. Makinde V. I., Dr. Omotoyinbo M.O.
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 1506 - 1509Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Level of Anxiety Regarding Puberty Changes among 12 to 14 Years of Girls
Indu Bala, Ravneet Kaur, Kawaljit Kaur
Research Paper, Literature, India
Pages: 1510 - 1513Gender Representation in the Plays of Mahesh Dattani
Bhavana K Naik
Informative Article, Development Studies, Kenya
Pages: 1514 - 1521Fighting Corruption for Sustainable Development: Role of the Church
Wairimu Thiong'o
Research Paper, Anaesthesiology, India
Pages: 1522 - 1528Occupational Risks, Safety and Well Being among Anesthesiologists
Dr Illuri Surya Teja, Dr Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti
Comparative Studies, Nursing, India
Pages: 1529 - 1531A Pre-Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Lemon Juice on Level of Anaemia among Adolescent Girls of Selected Urban Slum of Indore in the Year 2011-2012
Sarla Singh
Research Paper, Food Science, India
Pages: 1532 - 1535Effect of Various Types of Drying on Fresh Marine Shrimps (Penaeus notialis)
Dr. Anju K. A., Anithakrishnan V.C., Sruthi Rajan, Dr. Sithara Suresh
Research Paper, Medical Microbiology, India
Pages: 1536 - 1539Analysis of Biofilm Formation and its Correlation with Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Uropathogens
Smita Pokharnikar, Hemangi Walke, Neeta Jangale
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 1540 - 1542Neumann Boundary Condition on Taylor Series Method
Dr. Chitra Singh, Mukesh Yadav
Research Paper, Chemistry, India
Pages: 1543 - 1548Removal of Ni (II) from Aqueous Solution by Fly Ash, Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies
Pragya Khandelwal, Pooja Soni, Shweta Saxena
Research Paper, Economics & Management, Indonesia
Pages: 1549 - 1557Analysis of Export Determinants and Competitiveness of Indonesian Vanilla in the Period 2008-2019
Eka Nurjati
Research Paper, Neuroscience, India
Pages: 1558 - 1563Complexity Analysis of Brain under Mobile Phone Radiation using Lyapunov Exponent
C. K. Smitha, N. K. Narayanan
Research Paper, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, India
Pages: 1564 - 1569Prospects of Solar Energy in Rural Areas
Netikta Anand
Case Studies, Business Management, Madagascar
Pages: 1570 - 1576Does the Purchase Method Influence Customer Satisfaction? A Case Study of Online and Direct Sales in Madagascar
Solofomiarana Rapanoel Tsirinirina, Ramanankonenana Tamby Misaina, Rakotovao Manovosoa Finaritra, Rakotomahenina Pierre Benjamin
Informative Article, Biotechnology, India
Pages: 1577 - 1578Exact Number of Days, Time Period, Temperature Taken by the Mold to appear on the Bread Sample and Makes it Spoil
Yerra Praneeth
Research Paper, Mathematics, India
Pages: 1579 - 1581Alternative Techniques to find Highest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple
R. K. Budhraja, Narender Kumar
Research Paper, Nanotechnology, Turkey
Pages: 1582 - 1584Effects of pH on CdSe Films Fabricated by Electrodeposition
Ayca Kiyak Yildirim, Ferman Yavuz
Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 1585 - 1589Effectiveness of Taping in Treatment of Patellofemoral Pain
Dr. Vijayshree Singh
Research Paper, Mathematics, Zambia
Pages: 1590 - 1598Pre-School Teacher Subject Matter Knowledge for Teaching Informal Geometry: A Pilot Study
Getrude Chimfwembe- Gondwe, Bentry Nkhata
Research Paper, Dental Science, Brazil
Pages: 1599 - 1607Digital Comparative Method for Analysis of Body Remodeling and Neoformation: Case Report
Norival F. Souza Jr, Helton Panisson, Guenther Schuldt Filho
Research Paper, Accounting, India
Pages: 1608 - 1610A Study on Investors Perception towards the Stock Market
Ibrahim Baugwala, Pratiksha Jogdand
Research Paper, Philosophy, Uzbekistan
Pages: 1611 - 1616Methodological Aspects of the Transformation of Ideas about the Categories of Chinese Philosophy
Izzetova Emine, Li Yekaterina
Research Paper, Medical Science, India
Pages: 1617 - 1621Ayurvedic Management of Kitibha W.S.R. to Psoriasis
Dr. Sandhya Pandey, Dr. Shraddha Sharma
Research Paper, Agriculture and Technology, Uzbekistan
Pages: 1622 - 1624Effects of Sowing Dates and Rates on Secondary Peanut and Soybean Yield
Mahmudov Utkir Haydarovich, Khalikov Bahodir Meylikovich
Research Paper, Surgery, India
Pages: 1625 - 1631A Clinico-Morphological Study of Intestinal Obstruction Cases with Radiological Co-relation
Dr Mahim Khan, Dr M. K. Maheshwari, Dr Dhanesh Kumar, Dr Sarver Hussain
Review Papers, Surgery, United Kingdom
Pages: 1632 - 1639Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Published Trials Comparing the Effectiveness of Trans anal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS) and Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) in the Management of Early Rectal Cancer T1, T2
Yaseen Rajjoub, Nadia Saffaf
Short Communication, Biodiversity and Conservation, Bhutan
Pages: 1640 - 1646An Updated Checklist of Globally Threatened Species in Bhutan as Listed in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Manita, Tej Kumar Nepal
Research Paper, Zoology, India
Pages: 1647 - 1648Amphibian Diversity from Patharpunj Area of Sahydri Tiger Reserve (Maharashtra, India)
Mane P. P., More S.B.
Research Paper, Surgery, India
Pages: 1649 - 1652A Clinico-Pathological Study of Diabetic Foot with Special Reference to Role of Platelets Rich Plasma in Management of Diabetic Foot
Dr Md Amzad Ali, Dr. Sandeep Kansal, Dr. M. K. Maheshwari, Dr. Dhanesh Kumar
Research Paper, Medicine, Egypt
Pages: 1653 - 1658Non Alcoholic Fatty Pancreatic Disease Significance, Importance and Risk factors
Abdelkader Ahmed Abdelkader, Magdy Abd-Alkareem Al-Dahshan, Mohammed Salah Ali, Mohammed Othman Othman, Yosry Zaki Al-Zohairy
Research Paper, Botany, India
Pages: 1659 - 1662Comparative Studies on Germination in Some of the Varieties of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Grown in Jharkhand State
Geeta Mahto, Jyoti Kumar
Research Paper, Computer Science & Engineering, India
Pages: 1663 - 1668PAPR Reduction in OFDM System using Clipping and Filtering based new Hybrid VLM Pre-Coded SLM
Muneeb Manzoor Bhat, Preeti Sondhi
Research Paper, Computer Science & Engineering, India
Pages: 1669 - 1672Random Forest Based Heart Disease Prediction
Adeen, Preeti Sondhi
Research Paper, Computer Science & Engineering, India
Pages: 1673 - 1677Convolution Neural Network Based Image Recognition
Sofia Hamid, Mrigana Walia
Research Paper, Health and Medical Sciences, Philippines
Pages: 1678 - 1681Relationship of Hospital Expenses and Case Rate Package among Postpartum Women in a Level-1 Public Hospital
Arbeen A. Laurito, Lourdes L. Bett
Research Paper, Computer Science & Engineering, India
Pages: 1682 - 1686Support Vector Machine Based MRI Brain Tumor Detection
Nazima Yousuf, Mrigana Walia
Case Studies, Automobiles, Slovakia
Pages: 1687 - 1691Technical Analysis of a Cause of a Vehicle Transfer Case Failure
Jan Mandelik
Informative Article, Commerce and Economic Studies, India
Pages: 1 - 6Addressing the Issues of Half Population & Economic Development in India
Dr. Dhani Ram Agarwal, Preeti Rustagi
Research Paper, Bacteriology, Iraq
Pages: 7 - 10Isolation and Identification of Different Causing UTI in Al-Najaf Hospitals
Enas Sahib Abd Ali Al-Heddad, Jenan Mohammed Hussain Fayroz-Ali
Case Studies, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Indonesia
Pages: 11 - 13Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura during Pregnancy: A Case Report
Vidya Saraswati Putri Duarsa, I Komang Yogi Arta Suarlin, I Gusti Mayun Surya Darma
Informative Article, Accounting, Nepal
Pages: 14 - 16Forensic Accounting: A New Investigative Approach in Accounting
Dr. Binod Shah
Review Papers, Physics, Serbia
Pages: 17 - 24The New Monetary System - Paradigm Changer
Ilija Lakicevic
Research Paper, Anthropology Science, India
Pages: 25 - 32Quality of Life of the Post-Menopausal Women: A Study among the Bengalee Middle Class Women in Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Arpita Mandal Nandi
Research Paper, Zoology, India
Pages: 33 - 39Cadmium Toxicity in Kidney Ultrastructure of Freshwater Fish, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters)
Meenakshi Sundaresan
Research Paper, Anaesthesiology, India
Pages: 40 - 45Communication Strategies in Tracheostomized Patients
Dr Attili Krishna Aravind, Dr Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti
Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 46 - 51Effect of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation [PNF] Technique for Knee & Ankle Muscles on Lower Limb Performance in Subacute Stroke
Dr. Apeksha Hemant Shirsath, Dr. Bhawani Rana, Dr. Kalyani Nagulkar
Research Paper, Medicine, Indonesia
Pages: 52 - 54Evaluation and Management of Diabetes Mellitus with Diabetic Foot According to Wagners Classification: A Case Report
I Made Adi Narendranatha Komara, I Putu Raditya Dananjaya Sukarata, I Made Suma Wirawan, Ida Bagus Putu Wiyasa
Research Paper, Agronomy, Indonesia
Pages: 55 - 60Morphological and Molecular Identification of Nutmeg (Myristica Sp) in West Halmahera Using The Barcode MatK Gene
Riston Dutu, Dingse Pandiangan, Saartje Sompotan
Research Paper, Computer Science & Engineering, Congo
Pages: 61 - 70Contribution of an Embedded and Biometric System in a Replicated Database for Access Control in a Multi-Entry Institution
Bopatriciat Boluma Mangata, Eugene Mbuyi Mukendi, Jean-Didier Batubenga
Research Paper, Education Management, Tanzania
Pages: 71 - 79The Contribution of Leadership Styles to Academic Performance in Public Primary Schools in Tanzania
Filbert Edward Kapela, Prof. Peter Kopoka, Prof. Gregory Namusonge
Research Paper, Anaesthesiology, India
Pages: 80 - 83The Comparison of the Effects of Dexmedetomidine and Magnesium Sulphate in Endoscopic Transnasal Transsphenoidal Resection of Pituitary Adenoma
Dr. Khushbu Umeshbhai Dhameliya, Dr. Monal Ramani, Dr. Manoj Kumar M, Dr. Nidhi Jayeshbhai Sejpal
Research Paper, Education Management, Uzbekistan
Pages: 84 - 86Sports and Personality Formation
Zokirov Shahriyorbek Dilshodbekogli
Research Paper, Biochemistry, India
Pages: 87 - 88To Study Serum Ceruloplasmin Level in Early Diagnosed Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism
G. G. Kaushik, Avinash Bairwa
Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, India
Pages: 89 - 90To Study Serum Apelin Level in Early Diagnosed Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism
G. G. Kaushik, Avinash Bairwa
Research Paper, Economics & Management, Morocco
Pages: 91 - 95Payments for Environmental Services: An Attempt to Consolidate between Environment and Tourism in Morocco
Oumaima LEHMER
Research Paper, Health and Medical Sciences, Brazil
Pages: 96 - 99Rhinosinusite Acute
Edinaldo Gomes De Oliveira Neto, Edson Santana Gois Filho, Jullia Beatriz Araujo Souza, Halley Ferraro Oliveira, Maria Regina Domingues Azevedo
Research Paper, Physical Science, Sweden
Pages: 100 - 101Does the Inertia of a Body Really Depend Upon its Energy-Content?
Thomas Nordstrom
Research Paper, Management, Philippines
Pages: 102 - 109Sustaining the Cooperatives: The Role of Exploration
Daryl Jane Agbayani-Caballero
Research Paper, General Surgery, India
Pages: 110 - 114Early Endoscopy of Oesophagus, Stomach and Duodenal Bulb in Patients Presenting with Dyspepsia
Dr Jigneshkumar Savsaviya, Dr Harish Chauhan, Dr. Aafrin Shabbir Baldiwala
Case Studies, Orthopedic, Indonesia
Pages: 115 - 119Bone Cement Implantation Syndrome during Cemented Hemiarthroplasty Surgery: A Case Report
Dary Gunawan, Anak Agung Ngurah Ronny Kesuma, I Komang Mahendra Laksana M
Comparative Studies, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, India
Pages: 120 - 127Marvelous Significance Performance Analysis of PQ Events Prediction and Classification
B. Devi Vighneshwari, Jayakumar N, Sandhya Rai, Nisha C Rani, Nagaraja Rao
Research Paper, Management, China
Pages: 128 - 136Bilateral Matching Decision Method for Two-Stage House Leasing Based on FBWM
Research Paper, Genetics, India
Pages: 137 - 139Lot Depends on our SNPs for our Existence
Raghavendra Krishnappa
Research Paper, Economics, India
Pages: 140 - 142Tourism Industry in Rajasthan: Contribution in it's Economy
Dr. MD Mahmood Alam
Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 143 - 150VLSI Architecture Design and Implementation of CANNY Edge Detection Subsystem
Ragi R G, Jayaraj U Kidav, Roshith K
Informative Article, Philosophy, Vietnam
Pages: 151 - 153General Concepts of Human Rights
Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy
Case Studies, Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences, Indonesia
Pages: 154 - 157Radiological Findings of Pneumoperitoneum in Suspected Gastric Perforation in an Elderly: A Case Report
Dewa Gede Angga Aditya B, A.A. Dewi Adnyani
Case Studies, Medicine, India
Pages: 158 - 159Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (MALS) - A Complex Curable Entity
Dr. Shweta Khopde, Dr. T Sankalecha, Dr. M Kirloskar, Dr. N Chafekar
Case Studies, Medicine, India
Pages: 160 - 162C1q Nephropathy - An Immunologic Epiphenomenon
Dr. Shweta Khopde, Dr. V Gattani, Dr. M Kirloskar, Dr. N Chafekar
Case Studies, Obstetrics and Gynecology, India
Pages: 163 - 164Spontaneous Resolution of Idiopathic Hydrops in One Twin of a Dichorionic Twin Pregnancy
Srimathy Raman, Ashwini Athreya, Savitha Shirodkar, Padmalatha Venkataram
Research Paper, Chemistry, India
Pages: 165 - 168Assessment of Analgesic Activity of the Extract of Sesbania genus Plants in Animal Models
Dinesh Eknath Deokar
Survey Paper, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 169 - 173To Measure Patient Satisfaction with Physical Therapy - A Cross Sectional Study
Dr. Kairavi Trivedi, Dr. T. Kanna Amarnath, Dr. Jeni Shah PT
Informative Article, Dentistry, India
Pages: 174 - 180A New Hope - Teledentistry
Anshu Vij, Richa Sharma, Upma Jawa
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, Kosovo
Pages: 181 - 184Experiences in the Commercial Application of GSHP Systems in Kosovo
Mustafe Muhaxheri, Ramadan Alushaj
Research Paper, Computational Linguistics, India
Pages: 185 - 188Comparison of Various Models in the Context of Language Identification (Indo Aryan Languages)
Salman Alam
Research Paper, Economics & Management, China
Pages: 189 - 194Research of Policy Diffusion of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Universities
Zhaoyang Li
Research Paper, Biochemical Engineering, China
Pages: 195 - 198Synthesis of Zeolite A from Aluminium and Silica Powder and Applies as a Hemostatic Agent for Natural Disasters
Kyaw Ye Aung, Dr. Maung Maung Myint
Research Paper, Microbiology, India
Pages: 199 - 202Isolation and Characterization of a Bacterium Exhibiting Excellent Antifungal Potential
Shashi Chawla, Pragati Jamdagni, Pamela Singh, Sakshi Sharma
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 203 - 205Efficacy of Community-Based Intervention on Cognizance and Perception among Nursing Students Regarding Organ Donation in Selected Nursing Colleges of Madhya Pradesh with a View to Develop Video Assisted Teaching
Sushma Yohan
Research Paper, Management, China
Pages: 206 - 209The Effects of Review Presentation Formats on Purchase Intention Across Time Pressure
Cong Li
Research Paper, Medical Science, Canada
Pages: 210 - 224Upgrade Social Distancing into Airflow Inaccessible Distancing Code Validated by E. coli DH5? Spray Viable Colony Counting Simulation and the Technical Validation of COVID-19 Airborne Infection UV Quarantine® Devices
Jingli Xing, Zongxin Wen, Yong Liu, Chao Li, Xuhui Chen, Chao Yang, Weiyi Liu, Qingzhong Guo, Dongwei Chen, Yi Yu Lai
Review Papers, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 225 - 227Modern Manufacturing Methods: A Review
Balakrishna A M
Research Paper, Computer Science and Information Technology, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 228 - 231Features Extraction Effect on the Accuracy of Sentiment Classification Using Ensemble Models
Faiza Mohammad Al-kharboush, Mohammed Abdullah Al-Hagery
Research Paper, Mathematics, Nepal
Pages: 1616 - 1618Analytical Solution of an Advection Dispersion Equation for the Water Pollutant Concentration
Prem Sagar Bhandari