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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 1, January 2014 | Rating: 6.5 / 10
A Simulation of the Fundamental Attributes of Autonomous Computing
Sugandh Shah, Hatib Zeeshan
Abstract: Autonomous systems are able to adapt to changing environments (such as changes in the resource availability or component failures) in a way that preserves high level operational goals, such as service level objectives. This paper basically focuses on the fundamental attributes of Autonomous computing that are self-healing, self-configuring, self-optimizing and self-protecting. More specifically, the paper presents the detailed design of an Autonomic Download Manager (ADM) which simulates all the fundamental attributes of Autonomous Computing.
Keywords: Autonomous Computing AC, AC systems, self-healing, self-configuring, self-optimization, self-protection
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 1, January 2014,
Pages: 257 - 259