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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Sensorless Control of PMSG in Wind Energy Conversion System Using PID Controller
Pallavi Kashyap, K. Venkateshwarlu
Abstract: In this paper the strategy is sensorless control of PMSG using PID controller at both generator as well as grid side. The sensorless control applied in WECS is now being approached due to its low cost, high reliability and better capability. By using genetic tuning rule optimal setting from an Integral Squared Error criterion point of view is derived. The optimal controller results to be a PI controller. This optimal controller at the starting point introduces derivative action that can increase controller robustness. PID controller reduces the steady state error and also increases the stability. On the other hand, PI controller doesn't change anything in the stability it only reduces the steady state error. Self-tuning PID control is the combination of two controllers: (i) a self-tuning PID controller, which drives the tracking error to zero and (ii) a supervisory controller, based on the system's nonlinearities. The supervisory controller guarantees the stability of closed-loop nonlinear PID control system.
Keywords: WECS, Sensorless control, PMSG, PID controller
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014,
Pages: 748 - 752