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Research Paper | Social Science | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Physics Learning Device Development Based On Emotional Intelligence
Agustinus Jarak Patandean
Abstract: This study aims to produce a physics-based tool of emotional intelligence that is valid, practical, and efficient to improve student learning motivation conducted in two trials. The research location is Junior High School Makassar City with Class VIII D sample of 30 students. The research indicators used are 1) ultimate learning tools, 2) practical learning tools, and 3) effective learning tools to improve students' learning motivation. Data were collected through later trials and analyzed descriptively. The result of the research shows that (1) the learning device is valid based on expert validation because all aspects of the invention are considered valid, (2) Learning tool is practical because all facets of the learning device components fully implemented, (3) learning tools are useful because Fulfilled student activity performed entirely, student response to learning device in active category, high student learning motivation.
Keywords: Learning Tool, Emotional Intelligence, Learning Motivation
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017,
Pages: 1400 - 1403