International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014 | Rating: 6.8 / 10

Analysis of Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocol with a Change in Network Topology for MANET Using Network Simulator

Neha Gandotra, Dr. Rajesh Singh

Abstract: Due to the dynamic nature of the network topology & the resource constraints, routing in MANETs is a very difficult task. Also due to the built-in mobility nature of mobile ad-hoc networks, the network topology constantly changes. In this paper, the work focuses on the comparison and analysis where routing protocols gives the best performance when the mobility of user increases. Here NS-2 software is used for simulation process and comparison of Reactive type AODV & DSR and the proactive type DSDV protocols. Finally, by analyzing result we get that the table driven routing protocols give better results as compare to conventional routing protocol. So in this work we try to analyze the performance of both reactive as well as proactive type protocol under various network topology changes. This result might help to judge that which protocol is efficient with less drop-tail.

Keywords: Mobility models, MANET, AODV, DSR, DSDV, NS-2

Edition: Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014,

Pages: 1351 - 1354

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