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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
Modeling of Intelligent Energy Distribution System
Manju Sharma, Himanshu Doraya
Abstract: Like non-renewable sources have some disadvantage renewable sources also have some issues like installation cost of plant, change in chemical condition and decrement in security of wildlife. In this paper we are focusing on solar energy only. Solar energy can only be harnessed when it is daytime and sunny. Solar power stations can be built but they do not match the power output of similar sized conventional power stations. They are also very expensive. Large areas of land are required to capture the suns energy. Collectors are usually arranged together especially when electricity is to be produced and used in the same location. Solar power is used to charge batteries so that solar powered devices can be used at night. However, the batteries are large and heavy and need storage space. They also need replacing from time to time. So, some extra attempts are needed to make it more dependable because of weather protectorate and low coherence of solar energy. This can be done by making the whole system smart, computerized solar energy and intelligent distribution system. This can be used more effective as we are using it only when there is a decline in the normal supply voltage. We proposed a user oriented method to run the devices by setting the priorities. The device with the highest priority will run for a long time and then compared to the devices having least priority. Because of which efficiency increases in the point of user.
Keywords: Smart grid, solar energy, intelligent system, energy storage, distribution system
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016,
Pages: 2012 - 2018