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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
The Effect of Formative Evaluation and Cognitive Style toward Learning Achievement
Abd. Rahman A. Ghani, Utami Mari Hastuti, Ade Hikmat, Sukardi
Abstract: This experimental investigated the efffect of formative evaluation (in form of multiple choices and essay test) and cognitive styles (field dependent and field independent) toward learning achievement of Citizen Education subject. The target population consisted of 275 students of seventh graders of Junior Secondary School 193 and 309 students of Junior Secondary School 256 in academic-year 2013/2014. Using multistage random sampling, the research obtained 11 students with high learning achievement and 11 students with low learning achievement who were placed at the experimental and control groups. Two-ways variant analysis (ANAVA) with 2 x 2 factorial design was applied to analyze data. The result of the research revealed that (1) Civic Education learning achievement of students who did essay test is better that the achievement of those doing multiple-choice test, (2) Civic Education learning achievement of field independent students is better than the achievement of field dependent students, (3) there is interaction between formative evaluation and cognitive style toward Civic Education learning achievement, (4) Civic Education learning achievement of field independent students doing essay test is better than the achievement of those doing multiple-choice test, (5) Civic Education learning achievement of field dependent students doing essay test is smaller than those doing multiple-choice test, (6) Field independent students get better score in doing essay test than field dependent students in Civic Education subject learning achievement, (7) in terms of multiple-choice question, field independent student get smaller score than field dependent students.
Keywords: cognitive style, essay, multiple choices, learning achievement
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016,
Pages: 659 - 667