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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014 | Rating: 6.4 / 10
Autonomous Cleaning Vehicle for Various Platforms
Rohit Kumar Jain, Praful S Namoshi, Satish C C, A H Muralidhar
Abstract: Objective of the project is to design and develop a cost effective and efficient vehicle to clean a particular room and to provide a germ free environment. We here, try to present and imply an idea that, a device can clean the given room by its own. The system will include dust suction system, detergent sprinkling system and a wiping system. Device will be programmed to measure a given room using an ultrasonic sensor by which it will cover the complete room. Once the device has covered the entire room, the user can make the device clean only in the area where dust is present in the room by using image comparison.
Keywords: Micro-controller 8051, Kiel vision, Flash magic, Motor driver L293D, Chassis, DC geared motors, Suction pump, Liquid pump, Stepper motor, Brushes, Spongy Material, Batteries
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014,
Pages: 833 - 836