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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
An Approach on Indoor Robot Localization Technique with Diagonalised Positioning of Ultrasonic Sensors
Reshmi Mohan, Sangeetha P, R. Dharmalingam
Abstract: A low cost implementation method has been presented here to determine the position and orientation of the robots in any indoor environments. The system has used two ultrasonic transmitters placed diagonally opposite at a particular angle on the robots & distance estimation technique has applied to locate the robot pose. The system consists of two ultrasonic receivers; one infrared transmitter; a controller placed on the robot at one side and an ultrasonic transmitter and an infrared receiver on other side of the localization system. The ultrasonic transmitters (TXs) are attached to the ceiling at known positions. A suitable data transmission using diagonalization technique has been implemented to avoid the wiring harness. The controller placed on the robot equipped with Bluetooth module has used to send the localization data to an Android mobile. An android application has been developed to plot the localization data on the Mobile Phones.
Keywords: robots, indoor environment, transmitters, android, mobile, ultrasonic
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014,
Pages: 462 - 463