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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | Turkey | Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014 | Rating: 7.3 / 10
A Real-Time H.265 Codec
Shaima Safaaldin | Ergun Erelbi
Abstract: The increasing assortment of applications; rising publicity of HDevideos; and up-growth of beyond HD. format need a coding-impact preeminent than H.264ecapabilities. H.265 is a new fangled video coding principle. It has further intra-prediction directions than AVC but this increment increased the bit stream-overhead with the complexity of RDOEENTROPY codec. So this paper implements a real-time encoding/decoding process with a combination method between a proposed fast-technique forentropytoe partition LCU with providing a low complexity intra-mode prediction algorithm to enhance the mode prediction accuracy and computation speed. This is done by finding the relationship between the encoded-PU and its neighbours then encoding their index by a Shannon Entropy coding rather than RDO. Experimental results showed that the suggested technique reduces coding intervalto99 % on average in comparison to HM6.0 with also a reduction in the computational complexity and an acceptable loss in the frame-quality.
Keywords: H264/MPEG-4 AVC, H265, Fast encoding algorithm, entropy, RDO
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014,
Pages: 1258 - 1263