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Research Paper | Entomology | Indonesia | Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Behavior of White Rice Stem Borer; Scirphophaga innotata and eggs parasitoid; Telenomus rowani Gahan on Tidal Plants
Akhmad Gazali, Ilhamiyah
Abstract: The aim of research was to know what tested three wild plant species Eleocharis dulcis; Eleocharis retroflata; and Phragmites karka represent selected place also besides paddy for the oviposition of white rice stem borer. This experiment consists of three series that is white rice stem borer imago which come from E. dulcis; and P. karka and paddy. The experiment use Normal Random by 4 treatments and 8 replications. This experiment aim also knew what wild plant E. dulcis; E. retroflata; and P. karka represent egg parasitoid life space of T. rowani which is also selected besides paddy. The experiment consists of two experimental subs. That is: life space without host of insect; and life space with host of insect. From the results of this study can be concluded as follows: a) The most favored habitat by white rice stem borers to lay eggs is purun tikus weed (E. dulcis) ; b) The long and frequency of visits by the white rice stem borer egg parasitoids were longest and the most frequently in paddy and purun tikus weeds (E. dulcis) ; c) Parasitism percentage of white rice stem borer eggs by T. rowani largest found in eggs contained in the weed habitat of purun tikus (E. dulcis) and paddy.
Keywords: Eleocharis dulcis, Tidal plants, Telenomus rowani, White rice stem borer, Scirphophaga innotata
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014,
Pages: 1175 - 1178