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Case Studies | Medicine Science | Turkiye | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Rating: 6.4 / 10
Brucellar Spondylodiscitis In a Critically Ill Patient With Paraparesis
Esra Mercanoglu Efe, Nermin Kelebek Girgin, Remzi Iscimen, Emel Ylmaz, Ferda Kahveci, Halis Akaln
Abstract: Brusellosis, is a sporadic disease that is seen in animals and also in humans. Humans are infected by contaminated milk or milk products, direct contact with secretions of infected animals or inhalation of infected aerosols. It is an important health problem. The clinical findings are known as fever, hepato-splenomegalia, lymphadenopathy, arthritis, arthralgia, pancitopenia, and leucopenia. Pulmonary symptoms like pneumonia, lympadenopathy, pleural effusion and nodular pulmonary lesions are seen less frequently. Here, we aimed to report a case who admitted to emergency service with symptoms of tiredness, difficulty of walking and dyspnea, and was mechanically ventilated in the intensive care unit and got a diagnosis of pneumonia and spondylodiscitis due to Brucella spp.
Keywords: Brucellosis, pneumonia, spondylodiscitis, intensive care unit, critically ill patient
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014,
Pages: 1155 - 1157