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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014 | Rating: 6.5 / 10
A Novel Approach to Metric Assessment, Productivity
Kishore K, Naresh E, Vijaya Kumar B P
Abstract: Metrics are significant indicator of the effectiveness of a software testing process. The key to effective measurement lies in the capability to evidently make out the goals to be accomplished and the issues to be tackled. The foremost step to ascertain test metrics is to identify the key software testing processes that can be objectively measured. This information can be used as the baseline to define the metric and to decide what information will be tracked, who will track the information and at which frequency. Then the processes needed to effectively track, calculate, manage and interpret the defined metrics must be implemented. In this paper we discuss software measurement and metrics and their fundamental role in software development life cycle. This paper focusing on software test metrics discusses their key role in software testing process and also classifies and systematically analyzes the various test metrics.
Keywords: Software Measurement, Software Metrics, Metrics Classification, Software Test Metrics
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 7, July 2014,
Pages: 1109 - 1114