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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Implementation of Maximum Power Point Tracking On High Boost Ratio Hybrid Transformer Based DC-DC Converter
Sudin.S.K, Sujith S
Abstract: A non-isolated; high boost ratio hybrid transformer dcdc converter with applications for low-voltage renewable energy sources like solar energy is proposed. The proposed converter utilizes a hybrid transformer to transfer the inductive and capacitive energy simultaneously; achieving a high boost ratio with a smaller sized magnetic component. As a result of incorporating the resonant operation mode into the traditional high boost ratio pulse width modulation converter; the turn-off loss of the switch is reduced; increasing the efficiency of the converter under all load conditions. The input current ripple and conduction losses are also reduced because of the hybrid linear-sinusoidal input current waveforms. The voltage stresses on the active switch and diodes are maintained at a low level and are independent of the changing input voltage over a wide range as a result of the resonant capacitor transferring energy to the output of the converter. The main aim of the paper is to implement a suitable MPPT algorithm considering the input and load variation.
Keywords: mppt, pcs, pv module, dc-dc converter
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014,
Pages: 2001 - 2003