Rate the Article: Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude towards Nursing Profession among School Teachers in Karad, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Rating: 7.3 / 10

Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude towards Nursing Profession among School Teachers in Karad

Vaishali R. Mohite, Manisha C. Gholap, Mahesh B. Chendake

Abstract: Objectives are (1) To assess the knowledge & attitude of teachers towards nursing profession; (2) To find the association between knowledge and attitude towards nursing profession with selected demographic variables; (3) To find the co-relationship between knowledge and attitude towards nursing profession. Setting & Design: Colleges present in Karad city; Descriptive survey design. Methodology: Sample size is 557; Purposive Sampling Technique. Tool used are Part 1- Socio - demographic data Part 2- Knowledge questionnaire-13 Part 3- Attitude questionnaire -12. Coding; computing of data by excel & statistical analysis is done by Instat. Results: Mean; median of knowledge & attitude: 10.49; 11.00; And 31.84; 32. Demographic data: Age group 31-40yrs. - 150 (30.48 %). Sex Male-264 (47.39 %). Educational status- graduate-222 (39.85 %). Hindu religion-426 (76.48 %). Marital status-married-410 (73.60 %). Type of family- Joint-316 (56.73 %). place of residence- rural- 47 (44.34 %). Present post-Teacher-434 (77.91 %). Knowledge & attitude- correct response of the knowledge scale- 5845 (80.72 %) Grading of knowledge-excellent -298 (53.50 %). There is significant association with all selected demographic variables. Correlation coefficient- (r) =0.2282; coefficient of determination- (r squared) =0.05209The two tailed P value is < 0.0001; considered extremely significant. Conclusion- Overall knowledge is excellent & attitude positive. There is significant correlation between knowledge & attitude it indicate when knowledge increases attitude changes.

Keywords: knowledge, attitude, nursing, Karad, teachers

Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014,

Pages: 2295 - 2300

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