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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Anxiety and Depression and the Coping Strategies Adapted by Patients with Chronic Cardiac Diseases
Sonika Potsangbam, Grace M. Singh, Priya J. P Narayan
Abstract: ckground Chronic diseases constitute a major cause ofmortality and theWorld Health Organization (WHO) reports chronic non-communicable conditions to be by far theleading cause of mortalityin the world, representing 35 million deaths in 2005 and over 60 % of all deaths. Coronary artery diseases (CAD) as well as depression are both highly prevalent diseases. Both causes a significant decrease in quality of life for the patient and impose a significant economic burden on society. Mental health and physical health are closely tied together, and each can exert a significant effect on the other. Anxiety and depression are one of the most common complications of chronic illness. . People with cardiac disease have associated with anxiety symptom which was not recognized by health team and often untreated. It will lead to severity in the course of illness and may shorten the life span of a person. Anxiety and depression is often unrecognised in cardiac disease which is very important to be recognised. Objectives The main aim of the research is to find the level of anxiety and depression and the coping strategies adapted by patients with chronic cardiac diseases. Material and Method An exploratory descriptive design was followed. A total of 100 patients were recruited by consecutive sampling technique. Standardized Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale and self developed Likert scale coping strategies are used to assess the level of anxiety and depression and the coping strategies adapted by patients with chronic cardiac diseases. Result Finding suggests that most (80 %) of the patient have depression and one fourth (25 %) have anxiety. Most (84 %) used to pray God and put trust more than usual as a coping strategies, 83 % of of them try to grow as a person, and three-fourth (64 %) of them share their feelings by connecting with people. Few (2 %) used to take alcohol or other substance as a maladaptive coping strategies. The level of anxiety and depression had negative correlation with the coping strategies adapted by the patient. So, it is interpreted that the higher the coping strategies the lesser will be the level of anxiety and depression. Conclusion People with cardiac disease have associated with anxiety and depressive symptom which was not recognized by health team and often untreated. It will lead to severity in the course of illness and may shorten the life span of a person. So, it is necessary to recognise it so as to expand the life span.
Keywords: Anxiety, depression, cardiac disease patient, patient coping strategies
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018,
Pages: 1737 - 1742