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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Intensive Training Program Evaluation of the Indonesian National Sports Committee of North Sumatera
Chairul Azmi, Agung Sunarno
Abstract: This research to aim intensive training program evaluation of the indonesian sport committee of north sumatera year 2013-2016. Approches used in program evaluation research is CIPP models ( stufflebeams) the observed from steps context, input, process, and product. The research methode evaluation used design with mixing method or elective. A sample of 40 research instrument in use is the analysis of documents, interviews and questionnaires and data analysis techniques using percentages. The results of this study are (1) context sport coaching programs and goverment support for intensive training program of the indonesian national sports committee of north sumatera is alread in good condition (79 %), (2) input intensive training program of the indonesian national sports committee of North Sumatera is already in good situation (80 %) (3) process intensive training program of the indonesian National sports committee of North Sumatera is already well. And (4) intensive product development program of the indonesian national sports committee of north sumatera on condition enough (65 %). Conclusion intensive training program of the indonesia national sports committe of north sumatera year 2013-2016 workly well.
Keywords: Evaluation Program, Intensive Training
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017,
Pages: 33 - 36