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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
The Effect of Giving Feedback and Motor Ability Toward Karate Stance (KATA) in Learning Outcomes of PKO Student FIK-UNIMED
Rahman Situmeang, M. Nustan Hasibuan
Abstract: This study aims to know learning outcomes of KATA students who was taught by giving direct feedback is higher than learning outcomes of KATA student was taught by giving delayed feedback, determine whether learning outcome KATA student who had Motor ability is higher than learning otcome KATA student who had low motor ability, and to kno the interaction between giving feedback and motor abilty toward learning outcome of KATA. It was conducted by using experiment quasi. Technique of Data Analysis used by two ways ANAVA. Motoric abilities measured using by motor skills test called by Barrow Motor Ability Test. The results of hypothesis testing shows that students result was given direct feedback is higher than learning outcome of KATA was give delayed feedback. Meanwhile the student who has high motor ability has a higher learning outcome than the students with low of motor ability.
Keywords: Feedback, Motor Ability, Karate Stance KATA
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017,
Pages: 26 - 29