International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Geography | India | Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014 | Rating: 7 / 10

Horticulture Fruit Crops Mapping of Adampur and Hisar-IInd Blocks of Hisar District Using Geo-informatics Techniques


Abstract: Horticulture generally refers to the agriculture of growing of fruit crops, usually on a large scale. The state Haryana has a rich diversity of horticultural crops due to the presence of diverse agro-climatic zones ranging from sub-tropical and semi-arid to sub-humid. In the present investigation showing the Horticultural fruit Crops in Adampur and Hisar-IInd development blocks of Hisar district on the satellite data of World View-2 (March to Dec. , 2011) and IRS-P6-LISS-III (Feb. , 2011) multi-spectral satellite data. The software used ArcMap GIS 9.3, Geomatica 10.3, EARDAS 9.3, MS Office & Excel 2007 for this research mapping and presentation. In the methodology there are used two approaches, one is On Screen visualization, second is Hybrid Approach. In On screen visualization, Data mosaicing, Area extraction, On screen digitization, G T collection, Area computation, final Map composition. The total area under horticultural crops was 7, 865 hectares during 1966-67, which had increased to 45, 910 hectares by the end of 2010-11 of whole Haryana state. Citrus is the major crop of the study area followed by Guava, kinnu and anola. According to this investigation the total area under which horticulture fruit crops block level that are 506.23 hec. of Adampur block and 445.88 hec. Area of Hisar II block and total area of both blocks are 952.11 hec. Through on screen visualization. According second method (Hybrid Approach), the total area of horticulture fruit crops 413.12 hec. of Adampur block and 298.23 hec. of Hisar block and total area of both blocks 711.35 hec.

Keywords: Horticultural fruit Crops, GIS, ArcMap GIS 93, Geomatica 103, EARDAS 93, Hybrid Approach

Edition: Volume 3 Issue 8, August 2014,

Pages: 1855 - 1859

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