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Case Studies | Psychology Science | Congo | Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Secondary Victimization of a Survivor of Sexual Violence in the Lubumbashi Criminal System
Kawit Yav Lucide, Ngoie Musasa Joelle
Abstract: We identify secondary victimization of a survivor of sexual violence in the Lubumbashi criminal system. This work answers the following question: What would be the consequences of secondary victimization of victims of abuse at the High Court of Lubumbashi To respond to this question we have used the clinical method that is supported by the clinical interviews and content analysis that have allowed us to obtain the results below: the consequences of secondary victimization of survivors of sexual violence in the Lubumbashi criminal system are the changes of somatic, psychological and environmental order as well as values and principles. These results have been discussed with the resilience theory of Werner and Smith (1982). For a holistic treatment of the survivor of sexual violence and her family system, we have proposed support and family psychotherapies.
Keywords: Resilience, secondary victimization, survivor of sexual violence and criminal system
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020,
Pages: 45 - 52