International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Physical Chemistry | India | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Rating: 6.3 / 10

Micellar Catalyzed Oxidation of p-Chlorophenol by Chloramine-T : A Kinetic Study

Geetha Sarasan, Namrata Pathak

Abstract: Oxidation of p-Chlorophenol by Chloramine-T has been investigated both in the presence and absence of the surfactant Cetylpyridinium bromide (CPBr). The reaction could be studied only at a moderate concentration of acetic acid and the rate is found to be decreasing with increasing concentrations of acetic acid. Kinetic investigation revealed that the order of the reaction with respect to Chloramine-T is one both in the presence and absence of the surfactant, Cetylpyridinium bromide (CPBr). It is observed that the rate has almost six times acceleration in the presence of Cetylpyridiniumbromide. The order with respect to substrate (p-Chlorophenol) is found to be zero both in the presence and absence of the surfactant. The effect of temperature has also been studied and the activation parameters like E, H, S and G, are evaluated and a plausible mechanism is proposed.

Keywords: p-Chlorophenol, Chloramine-T, Cetylpyridinium bromide CPBr

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016,

Pages: 2127 - 2130

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