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Research Paper | Management | Iran | Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016 | Rating: 7.3 / 10
The Formulation of Strategies to Export Development in SMEs through SWOT Analysis: A Case Study in Tehran Province
Dr. Abdolmajid Sheykhi, Dr. Abbas Ali Ghayoomi, Abbas Ali Hosseinian Dastjerdi
Abstract: Staggering competition, development of emerging markets, uncertain environmental factors, creation of new technologies, and development of communication and finally business development require well identification of internal and external environments of an enterprise in order to survive in today's competitive world by choosing the right strategy. This study was conducted with the aim of developing export development strategies in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The study population included all small and medium-sized enterprises in Tehran. According to the statistics of organization of industry, mine and trade of Tehran Province, there are 89 small and medium-sized enterprises and considering this small number, the entire population was selected as sample. This study is an applied research in terms of purpose and field method was used for data collection. The questionnaire used in this study is adapted from strategic management expert, Fred R. David and it is a standard questionnaire. SWOT matrix is used to develop the strategy. The results of this study show that the main environmental opportunities include existence of commercial networks and databases, support of enterprises for creation of strong business organizations and the possibility of development and acquisition of more market share. Also incomplete banking relationships, traditional methods for transaction, presence of strong industrial-commercial competitors and the entry of Chinese goods to the target markets are considered the main threats. The major strengths included benefiting from export credits and incentives, using effective procedures and policies to control inventories and using quality and cost management technique. Finally, the most significant weaknesses in these enterprises include inadequate working capital, lack of effective marketing and budgeting programs and lack of impressive demand for exportable goods. Strategies such as creating market research centers, designing new product, trying to find new markets and strengthening production technology are some of the most important findings of this research.
Keywords: business development, export development strategies, strategic planning, small and medium-sized enterprises, SWOT matrix, Tehran province
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 7, July 2016,
Pages: 377 - 384