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Case Studies | Medical Surgical | Sweden | Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
A Case of Transient Global Amnesia after Sex
Hesham Khalil MD
Abstract: Background Transient global amnesia (TGA) is a syndrome characterised by a sudden inability to form new memories (anterograde amnesia) and is not associated with any other focal neurological deficit. Various precipitating causes have been reported in the medical literature. No particular treatment is required. Case Report A case of a 52-year-old man who presented to the emergency department with an episode of acute memory loss. No other focal neurological deficits had been found. His memory returned to normal baseline under 24-hour hospital observation. Conclusion TGA is a sudden onset of a benign condition that is reversible anterograde amnesia. The condition is associated with repetitive questioning that occurs with an unclear etiology. The presence of a precipitating event and repetitive questioning seem to be key features in making the diagnosis of TGA. Brain imaging is indicated for patients with high-risk for more serious pathologies or patients who present with atypical features. TGA requires no treatment as it resolves spontaneously. Clinicians need an awareness of this condition.
Keywords: TGA, sexual intercourse, repetitive questioning, neurological deficit, memory loss
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016,
Pages: 1917 - 1919