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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016 | Rating: 7.2 / 10
Behavior of Capital Structure and Its Impact on Financial Performance: Empirical Study from Indonesian Listed Mining Sector in 2011-2015
Tubagus Maulana Hasanudin, Noer Azam Achsani, Hendro Sasongko
Abstract: The declining of Chinas economic global as one of the Indonesias reference country on trading activities of mining firms because most of the mining commodities distribute to China as the importer. This condition has great impact on lower financial performance and also the capital structure as well. This study investigates the behavior of capital structure on mining sector that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and impact of capital structure on financial performance. This study using an unbalanced panel data over five years (2011-2015). The results of this study show that capital structure decision on mining sector employs the balancing use of debts and equity while capital structure on each mining subsector has the different behavior (low and high leverage) and mining firms has a negative trend of financial performance during 2011-2015. The negative relationship between capital structure and financial performance based on pecking order theory because higher debts will impact on lower profitability. On the other hand, a positive relationship between capital structure and financial performance based on trade-off theory show that mining firm with higher debts will lead firm to the higher profitability level to avoid default risk. Thus, There is no specific capital structure theory for explaining the relationship between capital structure and financial performance.
Keywords: capital structure, financial performance, mining sector, panel data
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016,
Pages: 536 - 543