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Case Studies | Medical Surgical | Nigeria | Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Reconstructive Options of Thenasolabial Flap: A Case Series of Soft Tissue Cover of the Face using the Nasolabial Flap
Otei O O, Ozinko M, Ekpo R, Egiehiokhin Isiwere
Abstract: This is a case series showing some of the uses of the nasolabial flap. We have operated on four Patients. The flap was used in two cases to cover defects on the nose, one defect was covered on the glabella area while another defect was covered on the lower eyelid. This flap may be used to cover a defect directly with or without prefabrication or a delay procedure3, 6. The latter may be needed before coverage of more distant defects. All the patients in this case series were satisfied with the result of surgery. Introduction In most societies the face is uncovered all the time. Therefore, facial lesions are very distressing to patients. Although some of these lesions may be masked by the use of camouflage or make-up, many of the lesions require surgery. Operations on the face require considerations such as colour and texture match in addition to concealing of the scars as much as possible. The nasolabial flap being taken from the face has colour and texture match with any other part of the face, while the scar is partially concealed by the nasolabial skin crease. The good blood supply of the head and neck region considerably reduce incidents of flap loss from ischeamia and besides, an initial delay procedure will further enhance flap survival6. In some cases prefabrication in form of providing a lining or skeletal framework may be necessary3. In one of our index patients prefabrication in form of split thickness skin graft was done to provide palpebral conjunctiva for the lower eyelid. In another patient we had to incorporate delay procedure to reduce the incidence of flap loss due to ischeamia and twopatient had flap defatting to enhance the contour of the nose.
Keywords: nasolabial flap, delay procedure, facial defects
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016,
Pages: 1956 - 1961