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Research Paper | Medicine Science | Sudan | Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Lower Limb Doppler U/S in Patient with Pain and Swelling
Siham Hassan Abuzaid, Ahmed M. Ahmed Barakat, Abdoelrahman H. A. Bakry, M.E.M Gar-elnabi
Abstract: An analytical prospective study used to characterize the DVT and other related abnormality in Doppler ultrasound in patient with LL pain or swelling or those are highly suggestive for this type of disease in period from January 2013 to September 2016.210 patient, Firstly patient with differential diagnosis of these selected lower limb disease was underwent successful laboratory and imaging investigation particularly for those suffering from Lower Limb pain and associated symptoms, then the lower limb was examined with real-time sonography, by using of mobile GE LOGIQ 5 ultrasound machine, ideally after a 6-hour fast. Sagittal, transfers views was obtained in order to localize the affected area. The result showed that the most affected age group by DVT was (40-50) years followed by (30-40) and the varicose vein affect the population in age group of (30-40) which is the active age. Lab examination PT/INR and D-dimer very important for correlation with ultrasound sometimes it give abnormal result this due to liver diseases (three patients). DVT was noted in 14.8 % from total population, 20.5 % having varicose vein, where most people with LL pain and swelling showed normal result in 34.3 %. Where the most affected limb more the 50.5 % at both site and 29 % for the left one, where the majority of the patient suffering from LL pain in 45 % as strong indicator for LL Doppler US. Finally pain and swelling can be very good indicator for LL disease in which results in deep veins thrombus which is most important US clinical finding.
Keywords: Doppler U/S, DVT, pain and swelling, Lower Limb
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016,
Pages: 393 - 397