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Research Paper | Education Management | India | Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016 | Rating: 7 / 10
A Study on Emotional Maturity and Intelligence of Secondary School Students of Assam
Jadab Dutta [7] | Dr. Suresh Rajkonwar [2]
Abstract: The present study investigated the emotional maturity and intelligence of secondary school students Assam. The study was conducted on one thousand class-X students by giving due representation to boys (500) and girls (500) as well as rural and urban localities of both the districts. The schools were selected using stratified random sampling technique, and students were selected using simple random sampling technique. The descriptive survey method is used for data collection using emotional maturity scale constructed and standardized by M. Bhargava and Y. Singh (1990) and group test of mental ability constructed and standardized by Dr. S. Jalota. The findings of the study reported that there is a negative relationship between emotional maturity and intelligence among the secondary school students of whole sample of both the districts.
Keywords: Intelligence, Emotional Maturity and Secondary School Students
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016,
Pages: 855 - 862