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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
A Study on Correlation between Liquid Limit by Cone Penetrometer and Casagrande Method
M. A. Kumbhar, A. S. Shelke, A. D. Kadam, R. R. Maske
Abstract: Soil quality is a major factor that affects the stability and durability of any structure. Various properties of soil like liquid limit, plastic limit, liquidity index, plasticity index, etc. determine the quality of soil. In this paper the experimental work in the field of evaluation the liquid limit is described. Five different types of soil were analyzed. Two basic methods were used for the evaluation of the liquid limit Casagrande percussion (cup) method and cone penetrometer method. The paper presents the correlation between liquid limit by Casagrande percussion method and liquid limit by cone penetrometer method and a mathematical relation is established between the two methods. .
Keywords: Correlation, Casagrande, Cone-Penetrometer, Liquid Limit, Equation, Plastic Limit
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017,
Pages: 1386 - 1389