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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
The Relationship of Educational Supervision Supervisory Knowledge to Guidance and Labor Education Teacher Motivation Work in the Madrasah Aliyah Jambi City
Muhammad Ridwan, Nurzila, Abdullah Saman, Maisah
Abstract: One of the educational component is very important in improving the quality of education is a supervisor and teacher. Although these two components have the same duties and functions, but both have an attachment and a clear link and close. To ensure the quality of the learning process in classes conducted by teachers, the supervisor has a very important role is to supervise the activities of the learning process. Quantitative research with the survey method involves 52 supervisors and 102 teachers. Data were analyzed using correlation test, the correlation between the knowledge of the regulatory supervision (X) on the ability of teachers coaching (Y1) and increased work motivation of teachers (Y2). Based on data and discuss as described above, we can conclude the following matters (a). Knowledge of the regulatory supervision Madrasah Aliyah in Jambi city average in the category of good / moderate is as much as 78.38 %. That means, the implementation of the guiding teachers in the school to run well, (b) There is a significant correlation between the knowledge of the regulatory supervision of the teacher training variables with significant correlation level and (c). There is a significant correlation between the variables knowledge of the regulatory supervision of the independent variable is the level of motivation working with significant correlation. b. A significant correlation between the knowledge of the regulatory supervision of the teacher coaching Madrasah Aliyah in Jambi, indicating that supervisors should develop coaching programs are more systematic, integrated, directed and continuous in order to improve the quality of education.
Keywords: knowledge of the regulatory supervision, supervisor, teacher, Madrasah Aliyah
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 101 - 106