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Research Paper | Radiological Sciences | India | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
M -Mode Ultrasound Evaluation of Diaphragm-An Useful Modality in Clinical Practice
Dr. Vishwanath. T. Thimmaiah, Dr. Rajesh Raman, Dr. Keval P Jain
Abstract: Objectives M-mode ultrasound evaluation of diaphragm in various clinical conditions that affect Diaphragm movement. To apply M-mode ultrasound technique as a useful imaging modality in clinical practice. Materials and methods Cross sectional study over a period of 6 months was done in 185 patients with clinical conditions that affects diaphragm. Diaphragmatic excursion from reference baseline was measured by M-mode using standard technique. Cramers V and p value were used to find the association. Results 185 patients with Diaphragmatic dysfunctions were categorized in to Group I (38.4 %) with excursion of 0.8 to1.2cm and Group II (61.6 %) with 0.3 to 0.8cm. Phrenic nerve injuries, nerve pathologies, post upper abdominal surgeries, post cardiac surgeries and sub diaphragmatic abscess had severe diaphragmatic dysfunction (Group II) compared to lower lobe consolidation, massive pleural effusion and gross ascites cases (Group I). Crammers V and p value were significant in our study. Conclusion M-mode is a useful technique that can be applied in routine clinical practice for evaluation of diaphragm in various clinical conditions that affects its movement. Being safe and easily available can be used as an initial imaging modality for assessment of diaphragm dysfunction.
Keywords: M mode ultrasound, Diaphragm, Dysfunction
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016,
Pages: 235 - 239