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Research Paper | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | China | Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017 | Rating: 6.5 / 10
Design and Implementation of a Centralized Air Conditioning Energy Saving System based on Intelligent Control System
Lisha Gao
Abstract: This paper introduces a programmable logic controller and frequency converter in the central air-conditioning energy saving system in new applications, based on the water cooling, cooling, air conditioning cooling tower fan system intelligent transformation, realize the conversion of energy, as the basic ideas and goals, through the optimization of the traditional fuzzy PID technology. The refrigeration system, the new system in adjusting parameters and frequency temperature more convenient, and analyzes the significance and value of the new system in the practical application through specific case.
Keywords: centralized air conditioning, programming logic controller, fuzzy PID control
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017,
Pages: 1743 - 1745