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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
Android Based Canteen Automation Using WIFI
Kalyani Dahake, A. D. Bhoi
Abstract: In 21st century, business trends are changing and it is moving to digital age. People prefers digital services over their traditional counterparts such as digital banking, digital shopping, over traditional ones. Even digital services offers huge benefits to businesses such as automation in processes, increasing speed and quality of service, costs saving, better customer experience, centralize and fault-free management. In this system digital restaurant management system is proposed which offers huge benefits over traditional restaurant system. Basically we are going to implement automated restaurant management system which will help customers to place an order using tablets or mobile phones, once order is ready it will be served and bill will be generated by the system. The wireless application on mobile devices provide a means of convenience, improving efficiency and accuracy for restaurants by saving time, reducing human errors and real-time customer feedback. This initiative will help school/college/university campuses to go digital. The implementation of this system will be done using android application for Tablets and it helpful for restaurants management system.
Keywords: Restaurant automation, Tablet Pc, Windows application, Touch Screen Smart Phone, Android application, Wi-Fi, Android mobile, Dynamic database
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017,
Pages: 2149 - 2152