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Research Paper | Radiological Sciences | India | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Rating: 7 / 10
A Study of Role of B Scan Ultrasound in Posterior Segment Pathology of Eye
Dr Daxa Chavda, Dr Naimesh Shah, Dr Rahul Sharma
Abstract: Imaging plays a very important role in diagnosis and management of intraocular pathologies. It helps to differentiate weather the lesion is in anterior segment or posterior segment. Usg is usually the first radiological modality that is used as it is safe, noninvasive, portable and cost effective. Material and Methods 75 patients having intraocular and intraorbital lesions were studied and their usg and postoperative findings were compared to make a final diagnosis to ultimately ensure the importance of B scan in pathologies of posterior segment. Result Diagnosing and characterizing the abnormalities with great accuracy by B-scan not only helps in preoperative cases but also changes the management of various other Patients. B scan does play a major role in the diagnosis of the pathologies of the posterior segment. However in few diseases it fails to differentiate among few lesions and need of a higher investigation is felt. But as an independent modality it does play an important role in the diagnosis of posterior segment pathologies
Keywords: B scan ultrasonography, Vitreous hemorrhage, Vitreous detachment, Retinal detachment, Retinoblastoma
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017,
Pages: 330 - 332