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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017 | Rating: 6.9 / 10
Analysis of Multistoried Buildings to Study the Influence of Depth of Belt Truss System
Shahana E, Arathi S
Abstract: As height of building increases its displacement, storey drift and storey shear of the building increases abruptly. So, in order to restrain those parameters in the building especially under lateral loading, suitable methods are to be taken. In present tall buildings, those forces are often resisted by a system of Belt Truss. Belt truss is defined as the truss provided to the peripheral column of the structure around the core at particular height of the building, in order to provide sufficient firmness and strength against lateral loads. The paper aims to study the influence of depth of belt truss system in multistoried buildings. And also studied the effectiveness of belt truss system in irregular buildings. Response Spectrum Method is used for the dynamic analysis in the software ETABS 9.6. The parameters considered in the study are storey displacement, drift and base shear of the buildings. Results show that belt truss reduces storey displacement and drift and increases base shear of buildings. There is no much effect for increasing the depth of belt truss than single storey height.
Keywords: belt truss system, irregular building, depth, response spectrum analysis
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2454 - 2457