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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017 | Rating: 7.1 / 10
Effectiveness of a Self Instructional Module on Phototherapy in Terms of knowledge and Practice among Staff Nurses of a Selected Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal
Jahanara Rahman, Nargis Ahmed
Abstract: The investigator conducted a pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of a self instructional module on Phototherapy in terms of knowledge and practice among staff nurses of a selected hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal. Objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge and practice on Phototherapy among staff nurses before and after exposure of Self Instructional Module. She adopted single group pre-test post-test design and selected thirty staff nurses working in newborn care unit for the study. Sampling technique was purposive. The researcher used a valid and reliable structured knowledge questionnaire and observation checklist for data collection. Pilot study showed that the study was feasible and practicable. The investigator conducted final study in selected hospitals of Kolkata and used both differential and inferential statistics to analyze the data. By finding the effectiveness of Self instructional Module the investigator showed that the mean post test knowledge scores and practice scores was apparently higher than the pretest knowledge score and practice score. Therefore the Self Instructional Module was an effective method of improving staff nurses knowledge and practice.
Keywords: Self Instructional Module, phototherapy, knowledge and practice
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 1706 - 1710