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Research Paper | Agriculture | Iraq | Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
Spatial Distribution of Some Macro and Micro Nutrients in Relation to Land Evaluation Classes in Undulating Bushland Valleys of Melbourne Area
aleema A Abdulrahman, Kusay Wheib, Deli Chen
Abstract: Fourteen locations for soil samples were selected from bushland valleys of Melbourne area to represent an undulating landscape where soils positioned on different settings of landforms to study the geo-spatial distribution of some available macro and micro nutrients in soil and their relation to some topographical features. Measured nutrients were available nitrogen N, carbon C, phosphorous P, potassium K, calcium Ca, magnesium Mg, sodium Na, manganese Mn, iron Fe, sulfur S, copper Cu, barium B, aluminum AL. these nutrients showed different geo-spatial distribution due to soil properties and topographical features. High amounts of Aluminum and iron were available in soil due to the mild acidic reaction in soil also, calcium occurred in some noticeable values where that was related to the origin of the parent materials in the area of study. pH and Organic matter were the main two soil properties that influenced the availability of macro and micro nutrients. The hierarchical analysis showed three grouping of soil variability, The first group included N, Cu, Na, P, C, B, S, K, and Mn, and the second group was Fe, Mn, K, and S. Mg and Al were classified together and Ca was a whole one group. Elevation and flow accumulation were the most topographical features influencing the distribution of nutrients in soil. Another regression analysis was done to find the relationship between land evaluation classes and the spatial distribution of nutrients in an attempt to see the dominance of nutrients in relation to land evaluation class.
Keywords: macronutrients, micronutrients, land evaluation, variability, GIS
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017,
Pages: 75 - 81