Rate the Article: Clinical Study of Pregnancy with Congenital Heart Disease in a Tertiary Care Centre, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Case Studies | Gynaecology | India | Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017 | Rating: 6.7 / 10

Clinical Study of Pregnancy with Congenital Heart Disease in a Tertiary Care Centre

Dr. Jothi Sundaram Md OG, Dr. Kavitha Md OG, Dr. Karthika Sankar

Abstract: To evaluate the maternal and fetal risks in women with various types of congenital heart disease. Methods 124 women with various types of heart disease delivered during a period of 5 months from May 2016 to September 2016. This is a prospective study of pregnancy outcome in 80 women with congenital heart disease, among which 58 delivered. The ratio of AHDCHD was 1.121. Results The various common cardiac lesions were ASD-34, VSD-13, MVP with MR -9, MR 6, IAS aneurysm 4, PDA-3, TR-2, VSD with PDA -1, bicuspid aortic valve-1, Double chambered RV-1, dilated coronary sinus 1 and aortic root dilatation - 1.47.5 % were diagnosed in the index pregnancy, 37.5 % had prior surgical correction.95.6 % belonged to NYHA I, 3.2 % were NYHA II whereas 1.2 % had NYHA-IV at admission.55.9 % delivered vaginally and 31.25 % had Cesarean section accounting to live birth of 98.3 %.1 woman had spontaneous expulsion of a dead fetus at 28 weeks. Conclusions There was no PNMR and no MMR. We have routinely advocated IE prophylaxis in CHD. PPH which causes hypotension should be avoided at all costs.

Keywords: Pregnancy, congenital heart disease

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017,

Pages: 977 - 978

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