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Research Paper | Dental Science | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Empowerment of Little Dentists and Parents as the Effort to Change the Tooth Brushing Behavior of Sayan Students
Regina Tedjasulaksana, Maria Martina Nahak, Ni Nengah Sumerti
Abstract: The empowerment of the society has a purpose to improve the ability of the society to behave healthily, to solve the health problems independently, to be active in any health building, and to become the activator in realizing the development in health vision. The purpose of this research is to change tooth brushing behavior and to improve the oral hygiene of SD 2 Sayan students by carrying out the correct daily tooth brushing program by little dentists and parents guidance. This experimental study with pre-post test without control group design was implemented using 68 students. All students did correct tooth brushing program every day that conducted by little dentists at school and who had been trained before that and their parents at home for 35 days. The result showed that the correct tooth brushing behavior and oral hygiene of students before and after tooth brushing program at school and at home were different significantly that analyzed using Wilcoxon test. (p<0.05). The correlations between students tooth brushing behavior and oral hygiene before and after correct tooth brushing program at school and at home was analyzed using Spearman test showed significantly (p<0.05).
Keywords: empowerment, tooth brushing behavior, oral hygiene
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017,
Pages: 911 - 915