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Research Paper | Production Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Multi Objective Optimization of Welding Process on Dissimilar Material by using Hybrid Techniques
Subhash Tandon, Narendra Patel
Abstract: Improving the ability to join dissimilar materials for welding process with engineered properties are enabling new methodologies to light-weighting, improving methods for vitality production, creating next generation medical products and consumer devices, and many other manufacturing and industrial uses. The main objectives of present work to optimize the welding process parameters on dissimilar plate (mild steel and stainless steel). In this case variation of voltage, welding speed and welding current for analysis of Tensile is testing and Impact testing (responses). Using hammer excitation Total full factorial design (27 set of experiment) is used to conduct the experiment. Analyses of variance are premeditated for significant parameter affects weld performance of weld joint on base. These two contradicting requirements have been simultaneously satisfied by selecting an optimal process environment (optimum parameter setting) by using hybrid method that is grey based fuzzy logic model.
Keywords: Dissimilar welding, Universal Testing, Impact Testing, Grey relation analysis, Fuzzy logic method, Hybrid method
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017,
Pages: 387 - 392