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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | Nigeria | Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017 | Rating: 6.4 / 10
Experimental Stress Analysis of Some Adhesively Bonded Joints
T.N. Guma, C. Allison
Abstract: The benefitsand wide use ofadhesive jointing in industrialfabrications and general purposes were revisited. Survey indicatedvarious types of existing adhesives which werenot all good or backed up with design information for every specificengineering application. Here in, the analysisprovideson the basis of yield stress failure criterionpracticableinsights into bond-curestrengths of differentcommon similar-metaljoint types ofthree common metals-mild steel, aluminum and bronzeby two widely available cheap adhesives-super glue and araldite. DIN 50 125 standard samples of the metals were systematically used to make400-angle aluminum-to-aluminum scarf joints, 470-angle steel-to-steel scarf joints, steel-to-steel butt joints and bronze-to-bronze overlap joints using separately each adhesive according to its manual. Analysis of tensile test stress-strain information obtained with the super glue joints, gave contrasting adhesive yield stresses for the joints as 7.540N/mm2, 6.987N/mm2, 10.186N/mm2 and 13.462N/mm2 respectively. The corresponding values with araldite were 8.488N/mm2, 9.920N/mm2, 10.540N/mm2 and 14.316N/mm2 respectively. Torsion tests with similarly butt-jointedaluminum-to-aluminum by super glue and araldite produced loweryield shear stresses of 4.497N/mm2 and 5.496N/mm2 respectively in comparisonto the values by tensile loading of the lap joint.
Keywords: Common adhesive joint types, cheap and widely available adhesives, common metals, common loadings, yield stress failure criterion design information
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017,
Pages: 809 - 816