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Case Studies | Medicine Science | Albania | Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
Acute Renal Infarction in a Young Woman: A Case Report
Ermira Muco, Amela Hasa, Maksim Basho, Durim Cela, Arjan Harxhi, Pellumb Pipero, Dhimiter Kraja
Abstract: We presently report the case of renal infarction in a 31 years old woman who represented in Surgical Emergency Department with severe right flank pain, nausea with 2-3 episodes of vomiting, high temperature and fatigue for over 3 days. She has had one episode with dark urine. On initial investigations including a total blood count, urinary analysis and renal tract ultrasound there was only hematuria and anemia. A CT angiogram was performed due to persisting pain, which demonstrated multiple segmental infarctions of her right kidney. For further evaluation, this patient was hospitalized in Infectious Diseases Department. After all the laboratory, radiological examinations and multidisciplinary medical consultations we excluded thromboembolic, surgical, infectious, hematological, oncological, urological, nephrological and rheumatological causes. The only abnormal finding was a positive antinuclear antibody test. The patient was discharged on the third week of hospitalization.
Keywords: multiple segmental renal infarctions, young woman, computed tomography, Infectious diseases, vasculitis
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017,
Pages: 947 - 950