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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017 | Rating: 6.2 / 10
FMCW RADAR based Level Gauge
Neeraj Jangid, Tarush Shenoy, Sanath Acharya
Abstract: The work mainly focuses on increasing the accuracy of FMCW RADAR based level gauge. The device uses FMCW (Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave) along with Changes in the antenna parameters like gain and beam-width, are some basic ways of increasing accuracy. Phase evaluation along with beat frequency evaluation is a way in which we can ensure a more accurate measurement of the distance to be calculated. Pulse wave radar eliminates the option of phase evaluation and hence we cannot calculate the distance with utmost accuracy. So FMCW is the best option to calculate the depth of tank. This project has intense research in the initial stage. We have chosen LAB-View software as best operational software that is compatible with high frequency ADC-DAC.
Keywords: FMCW Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave, Phase evaluation, Beat Frequency Evaluation, Frequency shift, LAB View
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017,
Pages: 1792 - 1794