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Research Paper | Cognitive Systems Research | India | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017 | Rating: 6.5 / 10
Spectrum and Energy Efficiency Optimization for Heterogeneous Networks based on IEEE 802.22
Y. D. Chincholkar, Mohammed Luay Abdulmunem
Abstract: The 4G methodologies like LTE, LTE-A cellular network has been developed. Such technologies are considered to improving the network capacity and end user throughput. To improve the profitability, WANs should use the energy and spectral efficient design. The goal of this project is to present the design of novel hybrid approach to improving the spectrum and energy efficiency. we presented the optimal policies by designing the methods of cell size zooming, migration of user and sleep mode for various types of base stations. The spectrum and energy efficiency problem is formulated as the quasiconvex optimization and then it is converted into similar form of problem of MILP. The quasiconvex optimization problem is solved by bisection method and MILP solved by software tools. Finally, we contributed with third algorithm of improving the spectrum and energy efficiency in this project. The practical work and simulation of proposed approach conducted using NS2.
Keywords: Energy, Spectrum, LTE, Heterogeneous networks, Base station, Cellular, NS2
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 59 - 63