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Research Paper | Nursing | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017 | Rating: 6.9 / 10
The Study of Phenomenology: Hemodialysis Patients Experience in Addressing the Psychosocial Changes
Rudini, Agus Suradika, Diana Irawati
Abstract: Introduction, psychosocial Changes in patients hemodialysis (HD) may cause an impact on all aspects of a person's life, where the impact is often posed, among others a decline in the quality of life, prolonged hospitalization, the cost of care higher, anxiety, depression, stress, social isolation, loneliness, helplessness, despair, suicide attempts, and death. Objective this study aims to explore the experience of HD patients about psychosocial as well as changes in how patients cope with the changes in the PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL in Jayapura. Methods this study uses qualitative research methods with the approach of Phenomenology. The sample is chosen by purposive sampling technique. Interview data were analyzed by using the Collaizi method. Results the results obtained with the in-depth interview against 6 participants consisting of 3 men and 3 women, age 52 ? 66 years with the length of live HD 3 ? 6 years. The research results obtained 4 themes, namely 1) changes the perceived patient HD, 2) how to overcome psychosocial changes HD patients, 3) factor endowments and psychosocial changes in overcoming a barrier to patient HD, 4) HD patients expectations in addressing the psychosocial changes. Suggestion ability of nurses in providing nursing care holistically with psychosocial and spiritual aspects into consideration.
Keywords: Hemodialysis, the patient's experience of HD, Psychosocial Changes
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 259 - 267