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Research Paper | Mathematics | India | Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
A Study on Graph with Desmos through ICT in Diploma in Elementary Education of Tamil Nadu State Board
P. Charles Paul, G. Thulasi
Abstract: This paper aims to integrate ICT tool DESMOS to teach the Graph chapter in Diploma in Elementary Education of Tamil Nadu state board. This approach enables to bring out skill based learning outcomes pertaining to psychomotor domain. It explains the teaching and learning strategies, i. e. visualization of graphical structure with the above module. The optimal use of various exercises on graph chapter based on ICT tool Desmos ensures attaining the learning outcomes. Desmos also gives hands-on experience to understand the mathematical, Graphical concepts. It attempts for an extended study on Algebra, Some special Graphs (i. e. ) xy = k, and Geometry in Diploma in Elementary Education of Tamil Nadu State Board.
Keywords: ICT Education, Desmos, Quadratic equations, Graphs
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017,
Pages: 1792 - 1796