Rate the Article: Effectiveness of Health Education of Families against the Management of Diabetes Mellitus in the Region of Kalumata Health Centre, City of Ternate, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Nursing | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017 | Rating: 6.7 / 10

Effectiveness of Health Education of Families against the Management of Diabetes Mellitus in the Region of Kalumata Health Centre, City of Ternate

Arsad Suni, Fatimah M. Saleh

Abstract: The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus annually increasing that supposedly related to lifestyle changes (diet) along with increased prosperity and no longer limited to degenerative disease. This research aims to look at the effectiveness of family health education towards the management of diabetes mellitus. Design research using a Longitudinal Prospective pre and posttest control group design using the approach of nonprobability sampling method of purposive sampling with the total sampling of as many as 30 respondents and conducted a test of regression linear value of significance p = 0.05. Results of the study showed there was no effective health education family against management of patients of diabetes mellitus health education prior to the value of Standard Coefficients Beta 0236, the value of t, 1, 284 Regression p value 0410, there are family health education effectiveness against the management of diabetes mellitus patients after health education with the value of the Standard Beta Coefficients 0236, value t 1, 284, Regression p value 0000. This means that there is a difference in the effectiveness of health education of patient management against family with diabetes mellitus before and after giving health education program with value Regression p value = 0000.

Keywords: Family, Education, Health and management, Diabetes mellitus

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,

Pages: 1810 - 1815

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